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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Does Colossians 2:16 gives us a license to break Sabbath day the Sunday?

Colossians 2:14,16

 14Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; 16Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:

Many religious Christians use Colossians 2:16 verse as their excuse themselves from defiling the Lord’s Day. Their claim is that we are no longer under the law and it includes Sabbath.

Let us read an  article first.

“The ceremonial law with its sacrificial system pointed the people to the coming of Christ. Every time the blood of an animal was shed in the old Jewish temple, it was a reminder to the onlooker that One would come and die for his sin. Hence, John the Baptist pointed to our Lord and declared the significant words, “Behold the Lamb of God.” When Jesus died on the cross of Calvary, the veil of the great temple curtain was torn from top to bottom to signify that the entire ceremonial system was forever finished. No longer do the priests need to offer up sacrifices.

How do the Ten Commandments and this Ceremonial law relate to each other? If a man sinned, he broke LAW No. 1 - the Moral law of the Ten Commandments. So then he brought his offering, according to LAW No. 2 - the law of sacrifices, and he received forgiveness. LAW No. 1 defines sin, for sin is the transgression of the moral law. (1 John 3:4) LAW No. 2 defined sacrifices, the Ceremonial law which was the remedy for sin. When the Israelite sinned, he broke the first law. To secure forgiveness he had to obey the second law. So here are two very distinct laws.

When the One great and perfect final Sacrifice was offered and the true Passover Lamb bowed His head and died and cried out, “It is finished”, the now obsolete ceremonial law that pointed the people to His sacrificial death was nailed to the cross. Jesus is now the permanent remedy for when we break LAW No. 1. When we now sin, we genuinely repent and ask Jesus for forgiveness.  That one and final perfect sacrifice of Jesus ended this whole sacrificial system, thankfully giving us no requirement to obey this law. Since Jesus replaced this law, He has become the remedy for sin, which is the breaking of God's Ten Commandment law.

There should be no doubt that the ceremonial law is not the Moral law (Ten Commandments) and that Paul has said that we no longer need to observe the holy feast days that were associated with the ordinances as some erroneously teach. This was the whole problem that Paul was addressing as some Jews were still doing this.”
In Colossians 2:16, Apostle Paul was referring to Ceremonial law, not Ten Commandments."

Colossians 2:14-16 “Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; [sin] 16Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink [offerings], or in respect of an holyday [feast], or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:

In those days, after the Lord’s resurrection on Sunday, they began to call Sunday ‘The Lord’s day’. So when they referred to Saturday, they called it Sabbath/Sabbath day. When they referred to Sunday, they called this day ‘The Lord’s day’.  You can clearly see from Colossian 2:16 Apostle Paul said “Sabath days” not “The Lord’s day.” Apostle Paul was talking about Saturday, old Sabbath which belongs to ceremonial law. Apostle Paul was not talking about Christian Sabbath, Sunday.

In those days, religious Jewish condemned and judged Christian Jews for not following all those ceremonial law. Apostle Paul clearly explained from above scripture that they are no longer under the ceremonial law. Apostle Paul announced to other brethren that let no one judge them for not following and keeping ceremonial law for they are no longer under the ceremonial law which was now replaced by death of Jesus.

Many Christians keep only nine commandments out of ten. They think one commandment the 4th commandment is abolished. But nowhere in the bible stated that 4th commandment is abolished.

17Do not think that I have come to do away with or undo the Law or the Prophets; I have come not to do away with or undo but to complete and fulfill them. 18For truly I tell you, until the sky and earth pass away and perish, not one smallest letter nor one little hook [identifying certain Hebrew letters] will pass from the Law until all things [it foreshadows] are accomplished.

In Matthew 5:17,18, the scripture is talking about ten commandment. If not one smallest letter nor one little hook [identifying certain Hebrew letters] will pass from the Law, how can 4th commandment is no longer required?

Let us be obedient and be faithful unto Him and listen to His voice. Let not our heart be hardened but let it be broken and soften by humbling ourselves. Let us not handle the 4th commandment lightly for it is a sin that will lead us to hell if this commandment is not kept holy.

God bless you and let all of us be led by the Holy Spirit for He is our teacher and guidance.
Fire of God,

 YooJin Kim


  1. Can we eat food bought during the Sabbath? Because sometimes my mother buys me sweets during sunday even though I didn't ask for it and she also buys groceries to cook our meals. This also means I cannot use anything which I did not buy myself since I do not know when something is bought unless I myself buy it. Or can you do such things only after the sabbath?

    Also during my church days, they give me pamphlets about the theme and such, should I not collect them because I'm unsure it they paid for it that day or on another sunday?

    1. I was watching his YouTube videos about this and if you don't buy it its ok. People work on Sunday to provide us water and electricity but it's a blessing he said. He will use it still because he didn't have to labor someone else did. As long as you don't tell the person to buy used this and that.
