Proverbs 22:29 (EXB) Do you see people ·skilled [or diligent] in their work?
They will work for kings, not for ·ordinary [obscure] people.
Christians who works hard and diligently will work for kings and not for ordinary people. The kings here represent higher authority whether that be for spiritual work or for the world. For the world, this can represent high paying jobs and places of higher authority where skill is required. Such skills are not just physical but in the spiritual sense are wisdom, revelation, kindness, who confesses, prays diligently, patience, love, show honor, peace making, rejoicing in all circumstances, thankful, and much more. They are skilled in the art of having died to themselves. They are quick to repent. They do not presume or assume. They follow orders and press forward.
Joseph worked for Pharaoh. Daniel worked for Nebuchandezzar. Joseph was but a boy helping out his father and brothers. Daniel was but a youth when taken by Babylon. David was only a boy when he defeated Goliath and started to assist King Saul.
When Christians are not directly working for kings (higher authority/pay/anointing/going to the nations), then they have to realize they maybe in the baby stage needing to pass their tests and to learn skills working diligently so they may directly work for kings (higher authority/pay/anointing/going to the nations). We may start out working for ordinary people which can represent ordinary jobs and pay but we do have to start somewhere. Will we pass the tests working for ordinary people (bosses, employers, cruel authority)? Can we even get a job working for ordinary people or are we too prideful for that? Are we able to be thankful to God and sustain a job proving we can one day work for kings?
Whatever job God grants you, be thankful and work as though you are working for God whether your employer or bosses nice or cruel. Whether you are in a church where the spiritual leaders are nice or cruel, you must still work diligently and with spiritual skills to one day move higher. They are your tests. They are your tests to determine if you are eligible to go to the nations (spiritually/physically). If you slander and look down on your higher authority, then you only bring shame and poverty to yourselves. If you think you are better and know better than your bosses, higher authority, or pastors, then wouldn't you be in their position? Many complain but still continue to work for ordinary people (lower pay, lower anointing, lower positions, lower power).
Proverbs 22:29 (NLV) Do you see a man who is good at his work? He will stand in front of kings. He will not stand in front of men who are not important.
When we work diligently in the natural realm, then you must be skilled in being detailed, doing a good job, making your deadlines, obeying quickly, being on time to work, do not steal your employer's time, be hones, be respectful, show honor, do not get angry, do not fight with other employees, do not slander, do not gossip, do not talk so much at work wasting your employers' time, and such.
Work hard and prosper spiritually and physically. Be lazy in both area where we neglect prayer and time with God, and we will be in poverty spiritually and physically.
Proverbs 13:4 Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper.
Proverbs 28:13 People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy.
Proverbs 21:5 Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.
People who do not consistently and diligently pray, God will consider lazy. People who hide their sins and does not truly repent will be stuck in all areas of their lives. Shortcuts to obtain the anointing without paying the price to be broken will lead to spiritual poverty. Shortcuts to obtain higher authority without first learning to submit to higher authority will lead to disgrace, shame, and poverty. Examine your harvest in each season and ask for wisdom. Who do you want to work for, Kings or ordinary people?
Pastor Steve
Fire of God Church - An International Holy Fire Ministry for the feeding and tending of God's flock to equip for the perfection of the saints that they should do the work of ministering toward building up Christ's Body (Church) and to promote obedience to the faith and make disciples for His name’s sake among all the nations until the return of the Lord - Branch of the Lord's Church USA
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