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Friday, February 19, 2016

"I am a Sinner!" By Pastor Kim Yong Doo

Luke 5:1­11 (NLT) 5 O ne day as Jesus was preaching on the shore of the Sea of Galilee,great crowds pressed in on him to listen to the word of God. 2 H e noticed two empty boats at the water’s edge, for the fishermen had left them and were washing their nets. 3 S tepping into one of the boats, Jesus asked Simon, its owner, to push it out into the water. So he sat in the boat and taught the crowds from there. 4 W hen he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Now go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish.” 5  Master,” Simon replied, “we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing. But if you say so, I’ll let the nets down again.” 6 A nd this time their nets were so full of fish they began to tear! 7 A shout for help brought their partners in the other boat, and soon both boats were filled with fish and on the verge of sinking. 8 When Simon Peter realized what had happened, he fell to his knees before Jesus and said, “Oh, Lord, please leave me—I’m too much of a sinner to be around you.” 9 F or he was awestruck by the number of fish they had caught, as were the others with him. 1 His partners, James and John, the sons of Zebedee, were also amazed. Jesus replied to Simon, “Don’t be afraid! From now on you’ll be fishing for people!” 1 A nd as soon as they landed, they left everything and followed Jesus.

It is good to be in a strong sense of gratitude, however, that should not just be it. There are things that we need to carry out and accomplish as a sinner. Our sins have been cancelled and therefore, as we are in a strong sense of gratitude, we need to do something. We need to do the work of God. Whether we eat or drink, we need to do it all things for the Lord. We need to do valuable and fruitful work. We need to do the work that God desires us to do. The work we do needs to be according to the will of the Lord. If we work to earn money then it should be done with the help of the Lord. Even when we sleep, we should be sleeping with the Lord. The Lord should be in the midst of our conversations. When the Lord is involved in all areas of our lives, the number of sin we commit will decrease.

God had called the twelve disciples. He stated, “I have come to call sinners.” At the same time, the Lord also said, “I have come to destroy the work of Satan.” The Lord came for different reasons. He came to grant salvation, heal the sick, and so forth. God desires His children to perform the various work instead of just focusing on one kind of work. But today, most christians want to perform only one kind of work. They want to do what they desire or they want to do things they easily understand. This is a problem.

Even in the physical life, you need to eat meat and vegetables in order to sustain a balance in nutrients and your health. The Lord did not focus only on evangelizing, preaching, or disciple training. Jesus trained His disciples in all areas. Jesus drove the disciples into extreme circumstances. Jesus let them perform deliverance and to preach
the gospel in all those circumstances. The Lord taught them to battle in all real situations. The Lord had let them go through every situation and circumstance to give them an understanding of reality. The Lord will help us realize, ‘Oh, as I am going through facing it, I am realizing I am actually weak. I am defeated.’ When we realize that we are weak, we need to fervently pray to supplement the weakness. We need to desire the power of God.
The Lord chose Peter. In the background process of choosing Peter, the content is revealed. The Lord had made Peter labor all night. The Lord made Peter’s effort in vain when it came to catching fish. Catching fish is one thing Peter did best. In fact, Peter was specialized in catching fish. However, the more we fail and when things do not go right, the more we need to be concerned and think. But do not only be concerned and just think about it. This is what people usually do. When people receive visions and dreams, they would embrace it and pray. But when things do not go right or according to their intent, people become very perplexed or concerned. The reason why God allows us to be perplexed and to give thought is to help us realize and understand ourselves. For example, ‘Why would the Lord allow such a circumstance with me?’ Possibly, I have sinned? Did I disobey? What does the Lord want from me? Perhaps, it is because I am not praying? Perhaps my prayer life is too weak? I think what I am may not be right’.

Sometimes, I am not comfortable meeting other pastors. I am not saying I am any better but when I converse with them, I am able to see their state of spirituality. ‘Oh, this pastor is lacking in this area. This pastor will be completed if this one particular area is supplemented. This pastor should try a little more in this area and so forth.

This is not only about pastors but for all other people. God has granted me wisdom and knowledge to discern and see through their spirituality. God helps me realize through inspiration. As I discern in such a way, God completely opens up His revelation and spiritual realm to me. When this happens, I am able to see all things that are in a person. It is not like I am trying to see through them but it is all due to God. This is like spiritual X­Ray. So when this occurs, I would try to advise accordingly. But a person does not understand or “get it,” I would indirectly give the person the point but it is very difficult to lead such a person to the point. Why is it difficult to tell them the point straight forward? It is because they may be easily hurt or offended. There are times, I could not say the main point which they really needed to hear because they are the type of people who may easily get hurt instead of receiving the instruction. This aches my heart. When we have concerns and worries, we need to come before the Lord and give it all to Him.

Then the Lord will reveal the main problems and issues. When we properly receive and act accordingly, the Lord will restore us all. Even though I pray asking the Lord to grant me power, the more I receive power and the more I enter deeper with the holy fire, I have become very frightened because as I enter the deepest part of the holy fire, there I meet God. When I meet Him and the more I come close to Him, the only words that come out of my mouth was, “God please spare me! God please spare me! I am a sinner, I am a sinner!” I continuously say these words. I continuously confess that I am a sinner.

My confession has never ceased. The more I enter into the deepest part in the baptism of the holy fire, the more I seek God. On one particular day, the Lord said, “I have something that I would like you to carry out.”

Then I say a list of the things the Lord desires me to carry out. The Lord continued, “I desire for you to obey voluntarily”.

On the list, I saw the requests in large letters and below the large letters were the requests in small letters.

The Lord said, “I desire for you to keep and carry them out well.”

One thing I realized is that when the Lord asks me to do something, He never says it forcefully, “Do it!” Rather, the Lord speaks gently, “I ask you or I desire you to...”. Therefore, without realizing, I am applying the method of the Lord’s expression and His requests His way.

These lists are for every christian although it was given to me. Among the requests, there were things that should convict us. Here are some of requests from the list of God.

*Do not watch TV to much.
*Repent many times.
*Do not fight between husbands and wives. *Do not be angry.
*Do not curse.
*Do not get irritated.
*Do not become resentful.
*Do not blame.
*Do not raise your voice.
*Do not come late to church service. *Voluntarily pray fervently .
*Voluntarily praise and worship fervently . *Use respectful words.

*Evangelize the gospel.
*Revival through the power of the Holy Spirit and prayer.
*Free the oppressed.
*Lead people to Jesus to believe in Him as you manifest Father’s grace and the power through the Holy Spirit.
*Perform the power of God.
*Do not form resentment and fall into test with every little matters.
*Do not criticize and judge others.

These are the things we easily fall into. We raise our voices without even realizing it. These are the things that we need to properly fix.

The Lord continued and said, “I am asking you to keep these requests.”

As I read through the list, I wanted to die. We are exposed to all these sins. The Lord possesses human characteristics like us. Therefore, He understands our weaknesses. This is why H e fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: “H HIMSELF TOOK OUR INFIRMITIES [upon Himself] A ND CARRIED AWAY OUR DISEASES. 

I told the Lord, “Lord, I am guilty in all these areas. Why wasn’t I alerted more to all these things? But if I try a little more in my daily life, if I try little more on my thinking, feeling, emotions and long as I cling onto your grace, I know I will be able to fix these problems. Lord, do you think I will be able to keep it?

Father God called the Holy Spirit. “Holy Spirit, Pastor Kim is asking if he will be able to keep the list. Do you think you can work for Pastor Kim to keep it?”

The Holy Spirit smiled and said, “Of course. I can do all things because there are Jesus and Father God as well. I can help this soul.”

The Lord then advised me and said, “Pastor Kim. Do not be afraid of the other people’s judgement, standard, and whatever they do to you. You just need to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit.”

Father and the Holy Spirit touched us gently and tenderly. Why the Holy Spirit gently and tenderly touches us? It is because our feeling and emotions are very sensitive. People are easily hurt, easily resentful, and they easily fall apart. Therefore, the Holy Spirit works with tenderness and gentleness. We need to try harder and not to sin. When you try, do not just try with your strength but ask the Lord to help you not to sin.

Jesus had called Peter. In order to empty his mind and make him completely follow the Lord, the Lord gave attention to him by getting onto his boat to teach and preach as Jesus continuously asked questions to Peter. There were more people around Peter but the Lord had fixed his eyes on Peter and had spoken. At the end, Peter confessed, “Lord! I am a sinner! Please depart from me!”.

When it comes to the work of God, there are many branches. There are many communities when it comes to the work of God. There are different kinds of works and groups. Disciples have different color, nature, and personalities. Until Judas Iscariot had become corrupted, he was a precious disciple to the Lord. Every person is in the training, disciplining, and praying stage. They all have their own unique nature and personality. We are all different but as we praise and give worship to God, God will be pleased and He will watch us with such a joy. God knows our weaknesses and condition. God knows we can easily become resentful and collide with others. Nevertheless, God desires us to come before God at the church. God is pleased as we come to God seating and participating in the church. In order for the branches to bear fruits, they need to attached to the vine. 

The Lord was in the work of deepening Peter. We need to be deepened. We need to follow the Lord to the depths. We need to go where the word of the Lord is deep. When you obey you will go deep. The place where you obey will lead you deeper. When we finally realize we are a sinner, there you will see the plan of the Lord. The plan of the Lord is to make you realize you are a sinner and reveal His plan to you. When you possess the Lord, you will be deepened. Peter went between shallow and deep waters. it was in the middle. But when Peter obeyed the word of the Lord, that place became deep. When Peter realized, he placed everything down before the Lord and confessed he was a sinner. We need to pray to receive such a faith.

Ecclesiastes 11:4­5 (AMP) H e who watches the wind [waiting for all conditions to be perfect] will not sow [seed], and he who looks at the clouds will not reap [a harvest]. 5 Just as you do not know the way a nd p ath of the wind or how the bones a re formed in
the womb of a pregnant woman, even so you do not know the activity of God who makes all things.

When Daniel was a youth it is described as the following: “Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile (taint, dishonor) himself with the king’s finest food or with the wine which the king drank; so he asked the commander of the officials that he might [be excused so that he would] not defile himself. 

9 N ow God granted Daniel favor and compassion in the sight of the commander of the officials.” This is why it is very important for us to determine and make our mind. The king’s finest food or the wine was given to the idol before brought to the king. Daniel was a man of faith, therefore, he decided to refuse to eat them.

In the workplace, many young people have a difficult time refusing smoking and drinking in today’s time. Like Daniel, the young people need to refuse and make up their minds not to participate in sin. When Christians properly make their minds with determination, God’s work will manifest. When we properly determine with faith, God will scout us.

In the Old Testament, one common denominator the people had for those who were scouted by God was that they properly determined with faith. When you firmly believe and determine, tests will come your way without fail. The evil spirits around you will be alerted and awakened. People say that the many tests come as they attend the Lord’s Church. You need to expect it because the Lord’s Church is the place where you perform spiritual warfare. Therefore, most Christians will go back to the churches where they do not need to face tests.

As soon as we believe in Jesus, the spiritual warfare mode will be inherited in our spiritual DNA. Now, we have entered into the spiritual battle field. All christians have received this DNA when they had first believe in Jesus. We all need to recognize and realize this fact. In the Old Testament, God poured the Holy Spirit to His prophets. Through the voice of His prophets, God called His people to return to Him. The Israelites always had cheated on God. They only appeared to worship Him from the outside. The heart of God ached and at the same time they brought the wrath of God upon themselves.

God had warned through the prophets, “I have chosen you! I have called you! But you are not returning back to Me! You are living double lives!”

In today’s time, God desires to give power to each person and have a one on one relationship. God desire to give His power to His men and women servants. The power
to speak in tongue, prophecy, various power, and the authority to open and close the gates of heaven. But many churches are operating their churches with a biased view, tradition, ritualism, hypocrisy, and programs. The bible said where there is the Spirit of the Lord, there is a freedom.

In order to be scouted by God, we need to first properly be determined. We need to receive the Holy Spirit. We need to pray and we need to properly give our services to God. But in general, most churches just sit in their seats and say, “Amen”. That is their way of worship. But the people who have really received the Holy Spirit becomes like new wine. New wine boils and expands. But churches are old wine skin therefore they pray as though they are sleeping or they pray silently. Perhaps, it is better for them to go to their homes and sleep if they are going to pray in such a way.

The Lord proclaimed, “My house is a house of prayer!”

When you come to church, perform crying out prayer. Pray with your life!

God had seen Daniel’s determination. God had seen his prayer which he prayed with all his life. No one will resolve the condition or requirements for your prayers to be answered. You have to resolve the condition and requirements of your answered prayer answer from God yourself. If you are thirsty and need to drink, you need to dig well. No one will dig for you. You need to start praying and then the motivation will be granted to you.

“God! I have nothing and I am not very educated. But I will do it!”

When you pray, you will receive the power to carry out the work. Daniel was continuously determined and he had made up his mind. He had pressed forward with such an attitude. The Lord exalted him as prime minister.

God said, “I am scouting for you!” God granted him the power to interpret dream. God gave him the holy gifts. God granted the knowledge and all the power to resolve all things because Daniel was determined and he prayed. The most difficult problems were resolved by Daniel because the power was given to him. Any questions or problems that were requested by God to the people were resolved through Daniel.

There is no such thing as a perfect work place, job or perfect boss. There is no place you will perfectly like in the world. Then what should you do? You need to adjust and be changed. Babylon had warred against other nations to conquer them. The king was cruel. But because of Daniel, the country and the king changed. The Babylonians had
killed many people and warred against many nations to conquer them. But Daniel gave the king advice on policy and plans. When you change, your working place will change, your boss will change and your family will change. You need to change to change others and places. When you are placed in a certain place, the circumstances and ambience must be changed because of you. When you observe the people who have become successful, they did not seek comfort or good places. Although the circumstances were difficult, they saw it as an opportunity. Therefore, they utilized their willpower, unique personality, patience and perseverance to gain victory. You do not work at good perfect places but when you work at a difficult place, that’s when God really pays attention to you. God pays attention to you when you clean the trash cans, clean the church, clean the bathroom and labor in the kitchen. Even if you laboring at lowly job and if you only faithfully work as though you are working for God with a thanksgiving heart, God will pay attention to you and it will be a matter of time before promotion. When God promotes you, God will create some kind of event. God is precise, accurate, and infallible. No matter wherever you go, if God is with you, through your lips, through your works, through your mission, God desires to carry out His work.
Everyone desire to serve when they are placed in a good position. But God does not think in such a way. God desires people to serve in the position of a slave. Moses and David spent a long time in the wilderness. When you are placed under someone or somewhere, you need to see it as very important time. Before Joseph was raised to be the prime minister of Pharaoh, he was sold as a slave by his brothers. As a slave, he humbled himself and faithfully carried out the given work. It seemed endless. But through a such time, he became great leader.

Matthew 20:27 (EXB) W hoever wants to become first among you must ∙serve all of you like a slave [ b e slave of all].

Jesus also stated, “Follow Me. If you obey Me, you will become a fisher of people.” God gives bonuses to people who obey, follow faithfully, trust, have faith, and with loyalty.

The daily lives of Christians are the preparation time to be utilized by God. Through their daily lives, they will grab His attention. Within a moment, God will raise and utilize us. This will not happen overnight. Please remember, the time of promotion will come to you. Do not only obey to the people who are nice to you. But please obey all the people who are placed above you whether they speak ill to you and are hard to please. Daniel obeyed under king Nebuchadnezzar. This king was a bloodthirsty man. It must have been really hard to please and obey the king who was brutal and wicked. The babylonian kings were untrustable. They were easily suspicious toward the other people. They easily betrayed each other. But Daniel firmly stood his ground even when the kings changed because He understood the ways of God. God even gave authority and power to wicked people. Therefore, we need to obey even to the authority and power of the worldly people. At the same time, we need to discern what not to compromise when it comes to the holy things of God. With wisdom, faith, and belief of God, we will properly display the leadership and move forward.

1 Peter 2:19­21 (EXB) 19 A person might have to suffer even when it is unfair [ unjust], but if through awareness of God [ o b ecause of his God­given conscience]h e endures the ∙pain [ grief], God is pleased [ o r this is commendable; this is favor/credit/grace]. 2 I f you are beaten for doing wrong [ sin], there is no reason to praise you [ what credit/honor is that for you...?] for being patient in your punishment[ enduring it]. But if you suffer for doing good, and you are patient [ endure it], then God is pleased [ this is commendable to God; this is favor/credit/grace from God]. 2 [ For]T his is what you were called to do, because Christ suffered for you ∙and gave you [ leaving you] an example to follow. So you should do as he did[ follow in his footsteps].

When you unjustly suffer and endure grief it is truly a beautiful thing. You can suffer because of your sin. We must not commit sin. If you are unfairly treated and unjustly suffer, please endure well. If you do, then our true boss, God, will reward us.

Suddenly God will say, “Here is money, I want you to use it!” “You are the perfect candidate. I have been seeking a people to grant My power. I was looking for a people of prayer. A people who endures well. A people who are persevere well. Here I found you. I want you to have many things, I have many great things to grant!”

We need to give glory to God even with our physical bodies. No matter if the other people see us or not, we need to do our best. We need to serve and do sacrificial work that will please God. Do not become opportunistic. God’s reputation is on you.

You must think in such a way, ‘If I work badly and do things wrongly, I am going to make God look bad. I must faithfully work to death.’

God’s reputation is on us. This is why when I travel to the other countries to hold fire conference, I do my best. I do not neglect or look down at even one child. Although I get very tired and go through difficulties, I do my best.

I once went to this one particular church abroad. But shockingly, we found out that they did not prepare a place for us to stay. In this kind of situation, we need to think like this.
‘They must be going through a very hard time with finances. Alright, I will use my credit card.’

When this church did not feed us, we must also have such an attitude. ‘It must be very hard for feed us.’ But strangely, they did not even provide us with water. So I thought such a way. ‘Alright. They must be having a hard time with their finances. Let us go buy our own water.’.

Then I used my credit card. Even in such a treatment and situation, I have performed the work of God with my best and joy. I had a mindset of being a servant to them and came to serve them and not to be served.

I thought to myself, ‘God’s honor, name, and reputation is depending on me.’ If you call yourselves a people of God, you must not perform passively and roughly in all things. You must perform perseveringly, desperately, and with pretense. You need to be devoted to make the master piece. It is best to do it voluntarily. “I will do it.” “No, I will do it! No, I am very healthy, I will go empty the trash can!”

You do not come to church to run away from the difficult world. The church is not the place to hide from a difficult world. A Church is the place where you pray, be filled with the Holy Spirit, and be recharged with the power of the Holy Spirit so that you can go back to the world and spread the gospel. The church must not be silent. The church must carry out nightly prayer service. With only one hour church services on Sunday, how will they properly do anything? Is that really true worship and service to God?

Today, churches are going towards the wrong way. They are looking for a way to comfort. This is not a church. When you come to church, you must be determined to crucify all of yourself on the cross. You must fight and struggle to live by the Spirit and faith. In these last days, the church must carry out such a role but churches are going backward. They are going towards humanism. When the church proclaim a meeting to pray, Christians hesitate to come to church or they may eventually stop coming to church. When people go through some difficulties, they stop coming to church. What kind of church or christians are they? This is completely different from what God desires.

The Old Testament God had entrusted all things to Jesus. But Jesus always talked about the will of Father God. After Jesus had resurrected, He told His disciples. “to the ends of the earth."

Jesus entrusted all things to the Holy Spirit. Although, the Holy Spirit can lead with His will, the Holy Spirit always talks about the will of Father God and about Jesus. In today’s time, the only way to work out our salvation is by receiving the power of the Holy Spirit in us. Yes, we receive salvation when we believe in Jesus and this is only the exterior of the salvation. There is an inner part of salvation and it is to receive the power of the Holy Spirit in order to make it into the power. But when we truly receive the power of the Holy Spirit, people call us as a cult. This is truly a sad thing. Please repeat after me.

“We need to receive the Holy Spirit! We need to receive the Holy Spirit! We need to receive the power!” Just because we have received the Holy Spirit and His power, we must not neglect the Old Testament and Jesus. Through today’s message, please believe the Lord is with us. 


Pastor Kim Yong Doo

1 comment:

  1. I have saved that list and will review it to help keep my walk on the narrow path. Thanks again Pastor Kim, this is a great article.
