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Wednesday, April 11, 2018

God's ways are higher

Mark 7:33-34 tpt So Jesus led him away from the crowd to a private spot. Then he stuck his fingers into the man’s ears and placed some of his saliva on the man’s tongue. Then he gazed into heaven, sighed deeply, and spoke to the man’s ears and tongue, “Ethpathakh,” which is Aramaic for “Open up, now!”
Many Christians expect to be healed like Naaman who wanted to be dipped in the rivers of the upper class rather than the common river. But in order to be healed, Naaman has to go dip himself in the Jordan river which was where many commoners used. In fact, he may have looked foolish to himself as he dipped himself seven times as he was high class ranking officer.
In order for the deaf/mute person to be healed, he had to have an open heart and mind desperate enough to allow Jesus to do what appeared to be strange. Jesus stuck his fingers in the man’s ears and put his salvia on his tongue.
Both Naaman and the deaf/mute man had to put down their pride and try something different. It was a test of obedience. Our obedience no matter how strange or ridiculous it may appear may lead us to the healing and deliverance.
When God says His ways and thoughts are higher, you must expect Him to come in a direction you are not looking and watch for God to do things you are not expecting. Your own thinking of how HE should come and do are your own thinking within your own boxes. Unless you can come out of your boxes, you may miss Him when HE is near.
Pastor Steve

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