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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The great and hidden things by Pastor Kim Yong Doo

(Jeremiah 33:3)

We must always be praying. We even possess the knowledge of the importance of prayer. Prayer has different levels. In order to reach a certain level of prayer, a person has to be placed within a particular process or method. It is very important for the person to be in certain type of a method or circumstance. When you are in a most difficult situation, you will be resolving it with a particular method. Different people have different methods to resolve their problems or issues. When it comes to solving a problem, some people are determined and may say, “I will do my best until this problem is resolved.” Some people may meet with other people to find resolutions. Then there are some people when stressed will drink and smoke.

When Jeremiah had a message from the Lord, he delivered it to the people of Israel. As he was delivering the message, the king came against Jeremiah and he was confined in the courtyard of the guard. Even though Jeremiah was locked up, the Word of God continuously came upon him. If Prophet Jeremiah had shut his mouth, Israel would have been utterly ruined.

God is in the business of revealing His plans to His people. He would say, “Do you know who I am? I am Jehovah who plans and carries out.” God creates and plans things out. As God molds and handles our faith, personality, character and other things in our lives, HE creates and plans accordingly. All the issues of country, people, family, church and individuals are created and planned by God. HE not only creates and plans, He also accomplishes. God whom we believe possesses tremendous power!

One day, I had become very curious about the outer appearance of our Father God. But the only way to see Him is for us to die and go to heaven. Since Jesus came in the flesh, we are very familiar with Him. But how about Father God and the Holy Spirit? If anyone tries to come too close to Father God, these people will be destroyed. Even the closest angels around the throne of God covers their faces and their feet. In heaven, there are angels with six pairs of wings. They are the Seraphim kinds of angels. There is a most powerful radiating light from Father God and therefore, there is some kind of of protection that covers the angels, the people, and all of creation. All the angels and the twenty four elders would always drop their heads downward. If anyone or anything is directly exposed to God’s light, they will die and be terminated. So whenever God meets us, He would dim down His light. He adjusts His light for our sake. Otherwise we will die.

My ministry was stuck. My family was under the most severe poverty. This severe poverty was handed down from my parents. For the people that has been handed down suffering and poverty from their parents, what are they to do about it? During that particular time in my ministry,, I found out that there were more than thirty thousand promises of God in which we can receive through our prayer. I knew if I can obtain the power of God, my life would be changed and everything would be fixed.

Jeremiah 33:3, “ Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand).”

This is the promise of Jehovah. He said in Deuteronomy 5:10 And showing mercy and steadfast love to thousands and to a thousand generations of those who love Me and keep My commandments.”

Proverbs 8:17 I love those who love me, and those who seek me early and diligently shall find me."

So I thought to myself. ‘I will meet Him’. I prayed when others slept. When others were having a good time and having fun, I stayed home and/or church and prayed. He is a God who is close at hand. However, the more I would pray, the more obstacles, walls, and tests were placed in front of me. The more we read the Word of God, the more we realized the depth of His word and power. Prayer and reading will be accumulated. The more we understand the depth of the Word of God, it makes people run away from Him. Many people feel it is very difficult and burdensome. Many Christians want to blow up when they are angry. They want to act according to how they feel and based on their personality. But those characteristics do not fit in the kingdom of God. The Lord will reject such people. Christians would accumulate these characteristics or personality (instead of getting rid of them) and at some point, many would just blow up. When they blow up, everything including their faith will be in vain.

Satan observes and waits for a gap to bring a particular incident within the church, family, workplace. Do not ever give any gap nor be seized by him! The devil will devour you! He often raises up entertainment people such as actors and actresses to kill them. When these types of people are killed, the fans who have loved them will also be destroyed. When Christians are married, we might be obsessed and may say, “My husband is mine!” or “My wife is mine!”, or “My children are mine!” Real ownership belongs to God. Due to our physical desire, ownership, and greed will bring much trouble. Do not force your thought or idea onto your husband or wife. This includes even your children. Use your wisdom but do not fight. The more you pray and the more your are spiritually blessed, many obstacles will appear. Once we are spiritually blessed, and have received grace living with the help of the Holy Spirit, satan will begin to attack to make the family members become enemies. Satan does not want us to be spiritually blessed. He does not want us to pray and going before the throne of God. Once we have decided to follow God, Satan will say, “Hey, I will leave you alone if you do not go to church.” Once we pass the  test and go to church, Satan will say. “Alright! I will let you go to church, but just don’t pray”. But if we still pray, Satan will say, “Ok, you can pray but I don’t want you to be received with the the Holy Spirit. Don’t receive the Holy Spirit!”. Satan tries very hard to make religious christians.

Even though Jesus as a perfect human being with a human nature, HE still needed the help of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus was baptised at the Jordan river, the anointing of the Holy Spirit came upon Him. Every church and individual christian must be anointed like Jesus was anointed. The anointing of oil is a peculiar work of the Holy Spirit. When common churches and christians are anointed by the oil of God, the power will begin to manifest. Healing will manifest, the power of tongue will manifest and other types of gifts will manifest. These are the power of the anointing. In order to possess and manifest the power of anointing, we must pray. Not just a regular prayer, but to pray in tongue. If a pastor does not powerfully pray, the church members will not be able to pray powerfully as well. Depending on how a pastor prays, the church member’s prayer life may not change. For example, in most churches, if a member shouts out in prayer, the pastor may say, “Sheeeee! Be quiet! You are disturbing the prayer of other people!”.

Once this occurs and as the pastor keeps an close eye on that particular member who had shouted during prayer, that member will have a difficult time staying in that church. This person will be on the pastor’s “black list”. These types of people will wander for a while.

Even though Jesus had power, He purposely limited Himself as a human being by possessing the human characteristics to show us even through His weak body that we can achieve  victory. To be a good example for us, He literally prayed. He felt pain if people harmed Him physically. He felt hunger and through these experiences, Jesus had shown us obtaining victory through prayer.

When my wife began holy dancing, I didn’t accept it. Most presbyterian pastors, if not all of them, will not accept such spiritual gifts. If any power or spiritual gifts manifest, these pastors will judge usig theology and doctrine. I was one of them. It is better to sort out the religious mindset and ideas before entering theology school. If we want to lead a ministry the Lord desires, and in order for a common church to carry out God’s work, the presence of God is required. We need the anointing of the Holy Spirit. There is little difference between the presence of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit pours His anointing over a person, such a person is set apart for God. In Old Testament, Prophet Samuel anointed oil on Saul and David to make them future kings. Even though they could not be king right away, they needed to go through certain processes and wait to become king. It is the same thing with us. We need to prepare ourselves. Even though we can not be changed right away, the power does not manifest right now either. As we continuously prepare and ready ourselves, we are taking steps to carry it out. As we continuously pray, the power of prayer will be accumulated. As we wait and prepare, the decisive time of exploding onto the scene will manifest. Once it begins to manifest, one can stop it. When this occurs, even as you touch someone and look at someone, the work of God will manifest. Until then, we must pray at all time. Anyone who wants to carry out the calling or mission of God, they need the presence of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

What is the presence of God? At certain time or season, God powerfully present Himself noticeably. This is when the Holy Spirit comes upon us. When the Holy Spirit anoints, this means God anoints with His oil. In foreign countries, many churches do not have manifestation of the power but instead, they have literal oil and they pour the oil onto people as a formality. The reality is very miserable. One time, a particular church from abroad took us out for dinner. These were several church members who were women .

Suddenly, one of them said, “Oh, I felt the energy of the evil spirit!”

She then began to spray into the air! I didn’t do or say anything but observed what she would do next. She then began to spray it into her mouth. Then the one who was sitting next to her began spraying as well.

I said, “Sister Debora, what are you doing?”

She replied, “Oh, this is something you do not know.”

I said (he is really mocking), “Oh really? Can you spray onto me as well? I think I also feel the evil energy.”

She said, “Oh, no pastor!”. But in the evening time, during the conference, when we ministered to them with the Holy Fire, they themselves manifested with the evil spirits in them. The scene was miserable. Without having any power of the Holy Spirit, the anointing oil then only becomes formality. This will then become dangerous.

Even though Prophet Jeremiah was locked up, God said, “Only if you and Israel prays, since it is not too late, I will show great, mighty and hidden things to you.” If we encounter problems, come to the church and pray! If your (speaking to visitors) church does not pray, come to the Lord’s church and pray. I will not ask you to be our church members. We must make our church a prayer church. We need to make our family a family of prayer. If you have problems, pray. If you are wrongly treated, and mortified, then you need to pray.

Today, someone texted and cursed me. I frequently receive such messages. The world prominent champion will not compete with a small town champion. If a world prominent champion competes with a small town champion, it will be an interesting story that it will be in all over the newspaper. If a person is spiritually blessed by God and receives grace and then commits a sin, this person will face some serious consequences and may be embarrassed before God. When I first went before God, Satan suddenly appeared next to me. Satan was making an eerie sound. He spoke and cursed even before the throne of God. I was able to hear it. But his body was slanted about 45 degree and his face was facing downward. He could not lift up his body or face. I was standing left to him. Therefore he frequently stared at me to the left side. Satan was gnashing his teeth and the sound echoed into the air. Satan was very angry. Satan was very mad because we were fervently and earnestly praying and having our spirituality opened. Why Satan is going insane? Because once a christian receives the spiritual blessing, grace and power, it will be hard for him to easily handle such a person anymore. So Satan’s mission is to pull the people from their ministering positions who are doing God’s work. Satan wants to ruin the blessed experience, pulling out members before they properly receive the holy fire, and they will continue to try to pull the people out. But christians are not aware of this tactic. When someone or something offends them, they would say, “Well, I will leave this church.” or “Well, my weakness is revealed, I will leave this church”. Who is working behind the scene?

The more we pray, the more we will experience walls and obstacles. But each time when we jump over them and overcome, our ministry will expand. There will be more blessings and God will grant a larger portion to us. Once we are spiritually blessed and awakened, the spirit of the AntiChrist will spot us. They will target praying churches and praying members. On the first day of the summer conference, I went to hell.

I heard Satan yell out this statement, “We have received the lists! Work hard to receive more lists of the servants of God! Make them commit sin!! Attack the christians who are exposed with sins!!”

Whenever a christian commits sin, Satan will write it down and make a list. Even in the midst of a conversation, if we say a ‘hint’ of lustful word, the spirit of lust will work right away. Brethren, please be very careful not to give any gap to the enemy. The evil spirits will come and seduce with sin.

Even though you are praying, what if the power does not come. What if nothing happens. Will you quit praying? No, you need to exam your lives and pray all over again. And if you are exposed and have committed sin, start all over again. If you do not fully commit and overcome the tests, but instead if you frequently lose the battles, only achieve a little victory here and there, if you go back and forth frequently, you will fall into the trap of “sense of shame.”

Satan will say, “You are useless! You are finished!” He will continuously attack you through your thoughts. Satan will accuse you, “You have failed! You think you are a servant of God? How does this make you a servant of God? You have heard the message of God so many times, but you are not transformed! You are hopeless!! Hopeless!! Hopeless!!” Especially, the servants of God, who do not have the power of God will not have any excuses to give to God. It will become very dangerous.

There are so many “swindlers” or so called pastors in Korea. There are many more abroad. Many so called prophets (means with many gifts) are like “professionals” in asking money and obtaining money from christians. Those “prophets” will never go to heaven. I have seen numerous people falling into hell right before the throne of God. One day, I asked the Lord, “Lord, can you please show me the process of how Hitler (the German dictator) went to hell” Then the scene was shown to me.

Hitler cried out, “Oh!!! No one told me about the gospel!!”

I mean… he deserves hell, but he was giving excuses as he shouted, “No one told me to believe in Jesus and be saved!!”

Satan comes to the throne of God with a list to go to hell. When the list was approved, in hell, I saw doors on the ground of hell, right in front of Satan. The size of the ground was huge like a stadium. On top of these doors, many naked men and women. As Satan mockingly laughed, “You calling yourselves a pastors, leaders, elders, and deacons?” I also saw buddhists. These buddhists looked holy from the outside but behind the scenes, they had cursed, commit adultery, was lustful, angry, drunk, smoked and so on. They were hypocrites. The doors were heated like how iron were heated. When Satan stepped on a button, the doors opened downward. All the souls on top of the doors fell into the pit. Even though they had fallen into the hellfire, they were only greatly tormented and not burned a bit.

If we say that we will do something, then we need to keep our word. If we say we have repented, then we need to bring forth the fruit of repentance. We need to live our lives based on what we preach. Isn’t this right? This is very frightening. If we are angry, cursing, fighting, and whatever we did, it is fearful thing.

One time, when our church was located under the basement of the building, someone came to our church and grabbed my shirt and said, “Hey you bastard!! Are you the owner of this church? Are you sure you are a pastor? You are a sicko!! Your quality of leading the ministry must be very poor! Even the name of the church is ridiculous, a mission church?”

But I was not stirred up. But I guess my wife was upset over the situation. I think women are scary. As I was dragged outside by my shirt, and was threatened to be punched, my wife began cussing at him and said, “You!! Let go of my husband!!!” During that time, some people had come and stopped him. I had a few members at that time, but they only watched and did not do anything to stop the incident. I was really sad. There are many things we need to endure and be patient because of Jesus.

No matter how much we pray and if nothing is happening and no power comes, we need to exam and start all over again. Then we will be able to properly start again refreshed. Even if the church prays, if there are no manifestation of power, and there is no anointing and presence of God, then the pastor and members of that church will become religious. 2 Timothy 3:5 “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”

Dear brethren, please pray continuously, even though it may seem like you are receiving no power, all your prayer will be  accumulated and you will receive power. As you begin to receive power, things will manifest and work out. Receiving power from God is not an option for you to choose. If you pray, God will show you great and mighty things, He will share His secrets with you. Anyone can receive the power of God. If nothing is happening in your life, please start all over again. When one does not receive power and nothing is happening or manifesting in his/her life, this person will begin to justify him/herself. This is like making a new doctrine. If this happens, this will create problems. Such a person will not be approved or recognized by the work of the Holy Spirit. If such a people become pastors or seminary professors, they will destroy the body of Christ.

One of the young adults had an evil spirit in the form of dragon in him. We performed deliverance to cast it out. This young adult entered into the seminary school and entering the school had strayed him away. He said, “From now on, I will not believe the power of the Holy Spirit and holy fire. I don’t understand why he has become like that. As he was taught in the seminary school, he was being taught that the spiritual gifts and manifestations were wrong. He had been deceived. The seminary school do such evil things. They act like doctrine and theological teaching is all they need. The power of the word of God must be alive. If you do not pay the price of suffering, test and tribulation, you will pay a heavier price later on. It is like the Israelites who were exiled and killed. Please remember, even in the Lord’s church, there are people who are going through the test of suffering, difficulty, and praying.

Prophesying is to be the lips of the Lord as He impress us to speak. It is not for just anybody to speak just because they desire too. It does not matter what type of message God gives you, you must properly receive it with faith. You must go to the end and obtain victory. In the last days, we will compete not with quantity but quality! Only through the power of prayer will you be helped to pass your tests, fulfill your calling and mission. Your prayers will relate to your blessings by God. Anyone who pray on their knees before God, God will show great and mighty things along with secrets of God. This is not only about spiritual matters, but church, family, and physica. You must pray diligently. Amen.

Summer Fire Revival conference 2015
South Korea, Incheon
Pastor Kim Yong Doo

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