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Monday, April 20, 2015

Full surrendered required to save your families

Luke 14:31-33 “Or what king would go to war against another king without first sitting down with his counselors to discuss whether his army of 10,000 could defeat the 20,000 soldiers marching against him? 32 And if he can’t, he will send a delegation to discuss terms of peace while the enemy is still far away. 33 So you cannot become my disciple without giving up everything you own.
There is a promise here given to us in a parable. The Lord said, the king with 20,000 can represent HIM and the king with 10,000 can represent you. We are kingdoms and priests. We are to be a holy nation.
If we are Kingdoms then everyone under our authority is under our kingdom. Our children are under our authority. Maybe your spouses and other family members who may not even be proper believers can be considered under your kingdom.
When the king of 10,000 made terms to surrender, then his whole nation would live. But if the king with 10,000 tried to fight, then many within his kingdom would die. In fact, maybe all within the kingdom of the king of 10,000 would completely die. Therefore, in order for the king of 10,000 and his nation to live, he will have to surrender. He would have to fully surrender.
We have to fully surrender to the Great King of Kings and then our kingdom would be under HIS kingdom and everyone under our authority will live. Many times, Christians are trying to evangelize and preach to their family members trying to make them change but with little result. The bible does not say go nag your family members to believe in Jesus. The bible says for YOU to die to yourself and come to full surrender to Jesus. Many Christians think they have surrendered to Jesus but if that was the case, then why are you still struggling in many areas. The areas we struggle are areas we have yet to fully surrender whether that be people, finance, health, etc.
We look at Rahab, one woman who heard by faith and acted. When she heard, she believed to act. She hid the two spies surrendering to God's Kingdom, forsaking her way of life, and risking her life, she was not only able to save herself but her family including her parents.
Noah obeyed God and built the ark and because of his obedience, he was able to save his family as they all went into the Ark. The Ark represents salvation. Even the animals are under man's authority so Noah was able to save the animals.
When we see our loved ones dying without Christ, then perhaps, we are still the king with 10,000 fighting and wrestling with God thinking we have surrendered when we are not. Perhaps, we are still resisting the Holy Spirit ourselves. This is something we must humble ourselves and ask God. Am I fully surrendered to You, Lord? Because if we are, then we should see good fruit from our surrender.
In verse 33, "So you cannot become my disciple without giving up everything you own."
God requires FULL SURRENDER AND OBEDIENCE TO BE HIS DISCIPLE. There are no divided hearts in the Kingdom of God.
Glory to HIM
Pastor Steve Yong Kim

1 comment:

  1. Hi, my name is Brian. I happened upon your blog and it intrigued me (especially the most recent post). I'm in the beginning stages of writing a novel about God and I like reading blogs like yours because it gives me perspective and it's always good to see/read viewpoints of others. I appreciate your blog and I will continue to visit it. Thank you for being a voice in the void.

    PS - if you'd like, I'd appreciate a visit to my blog too. http://myquestions4god.blogspot.com/
