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Saturday, October 1, 2011

"We will leave no one behind, dead or alive"

When I use to watch TV, I enjoyed watching war movies. I heard this term watching many war movies. I remembered such scenes as soldiers mocking one another over racial issues, cultural differences, physical weaknesses, and for other differences. During their break or when they were not battling, they would spend some of their time mocking one another. But when the battle started, all their differences would be set aside and the soldiers would fight along one another. At the end, they all realized, they only had each other. When a solider fell, other soldiers regardless of their differences would risk their lives to save one another or recover their comrade's dead body to be sent home to their families. On the surface, portraying as tough men, they did not say, "I love you" to one another. But on the battle field, it was proved through their actions. This is where it really counted anyway. On the surface, they may have made fun of each other. On the surface, it may have showed where they may have not really liked each other. But when the true test came, their loved was shown through their sacrifice and willingness to die for one another.

What is love? Many secular people and Christians today can all say, "I love you" to one another. But what is the true definition of love? Is our words enough? When God tells us, "I LOVE YOU" how is He defining or expressing it?

God not only defined LOVE, HE showed it to us as described in John 3:16. God gave up what was dearly prized. He had given up his ONLY BEGOTTEN SON. For the love of His creation, God gave up His Highest prize of all of the heavens and creation. He gave up HIMSELF. He defined Love as an action of sacrifice of one's life for another.

John 3:16 (AMP) For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten ([a]unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life.

Now, let us look at war from a spiritual perspective. Christians are at war. Many of us do not realize this since it is happening in the spiritual realm and we are not able to physically see it. But we are still able to feel the pain and hurt. We are still able to witness the loss. We are still watching many die spiritually but many of us are ignorantly leaving our fellow brethren behind. We are leaving them to suffer and die. How is this so you ask?

We may not be experiencing war as in the physical with bullets flying and bombs going off but there is a real war occurring in which we are not able to physically see. But, yes, we do feel and experience the real consequences of it.

What do we think is happening in the spiritual realm when we are attacked with depression, adultery, fornication, drugs, alcohol, discouragement, hate, resentment, abuse, lying, cheating, gossiping, etc and etc? If we could see the spiritual realm and the demons, we would be able to see them jab our love ones and even ourselves with their spears and poison. When we are spiritually injured and not recovering, we would probably be able to see the demons with their chains and ropes dragging people to death and hell.

If a spouse committed adultery on one another, it may not have the real sense of physical war but in the spiritual realm, the enemy had probably conspired to set up the person using many of its weapons and their flesh to bring down that person. Perhaps, the attack was depression and to get the person to fall away on drugs or alcohol. Perhaps, the enemy used other people to violently abuse or hurt God's people. How many times have we seen people come to churches for spiritual help only to see them disappear within two weeks because they did not get the help needed? Where was the power of God in these churches? In the spiritual realm, these Christians have been injured in the battle field. In the physical, we may not see the spiritual injury and at times we can be ignorant to their needs.

If a spouse fell into depression and committed adultery, how is the other spouse to react? Will he/she leave them behind? Or will he/she risk his/her life possibly sacrificing his/her life for the other half? Yes, this is a difficult question because it touches the nerve and heart of people as trust is compromised. But is this not part of the spiritual war? Will we overcome our physical emotions to look at the greater good for God's Glory? If the spouse ask for forgiveness, can the other spouse truly forgive and move on? Yes, I know each situation may be unique and the answer different but please understand the point of my message. I do not judge anyone for their previous choices but this may for those who may be in such a current situation or perhaps in your future. Moreover, there is grace for people to repent for those who may have made not such a wise decision. But how will your future decisions fair?

What if a spouse or family member fell into trouble and got into drugs or alcohol? Will you kick them out? Will you give them an ultimatum to quit or leave? What if they can not quit because they are physically addicted? What if they want to quit but can't? What if they know deep down inside what they are doing is wrong but they are not able to quit because the ropes and chains of the demons have gotten to thick and heavy for them to break free from? Will we leave them behind or will you stay and pray them through?

What is Love? Many of us say these words to each other but what does it really mean? What is the True definition of Love? What is to Love God? What is to Love each other? Is loving God to just say, "I love you, Lord?" Is loving God a thought or is it just how loud we can say it? What is the biblical definition of loving God?

John 14:21 The person who has My commands and keeps them is the one who [really] loves Me; and whoever [really] loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I [too] will love him and will show (reveal, manifest) Myself to him. [I will let Myself be clearly seen by him and make Myself real to him.]

The Lord asked Peter three times if he Loved Him. As Peter basically said, "yes," the Lord was defining to Peter what that meant. The Lord said to feed and tend to His sheep if Peter really Loved Him. Peter on the surface as many of us can say we love the Lord but God wants our love to Him proved through our actions. Peter had said, "I love you, Lord" with such passion but yet he ended up denying Him three times. How sure are you? Are you sure as Peter was sure? Our love to the Lord is proved by us following and keeping His commandments and commands.

The Lord said that He gave us a new commandment. This command is to love one another. Many Christians know this term and they say, "I love you" to one another. But what is the definition of loving one another.

John 13:34(AMP) I give you a new commandment: that you should love one another. Just as I have loved you, so you too should love one another.

What is to love one another? Is it a thought? Is it an emotion? In Facebook, many go around claiming to love one another but are they really loving as the Lord commands? So what is the true biblical definition of loving one another?

2 John 1:5-6 (AMP) And now I beg you, lady (Cyria), not as if I were issuing a new charge (injunction or command), but [simply recalling to your mind] the one we have had from the beginning, that we love one another.6And what this love consists in is this: that we live and walk in accordance with and guided by His commandments (His orders, ordinances, precepts, teaching). This is the commandment, as you have heard from the beginning, that you continue to walk in love [guided by it and following it].

As you can see, the core fundamental definition is the same as loving the Lord. We are to "live and walk in accordance with and guided by His commandments." It is our actions and in keeping His commandments that are proving our love to the Lord and to one another. If we keep His Word, we will love our brethren. May we all be in His complete Truth and Love.

Therefore, if a brethren, spouse, or family member becomes spiritually injured, what are we to do? Will we ignorantly leave them behind because it is too difficult for us to be in their present or in that circumstance? Will we ignorantly leave them behind because we allow the memories to continue to spiritually jab us? Our Lord died as we were sinners! He did not wait until we stop sinning. He died for us even in our worse state. He died for us as His creation mocked, spat, beat, and crucified Him. He decided not to leave anyone behind but give everyone a chance. He decided to give His life thus sacrificing Himself so that we who were still sinners may find life. He had died for the world.

Where is this love in us? Do we have the patience and long suffering? Do we have the tenacity to pray and pray until our loved ones are recovered? Do we have His Heart and Love to pray it through even as we are mocked or persecuted? In the war movies, they had mocked and made fun of each other but when the call came to answer, many risked their lives to save one another. They followed the command of their military armed branches and calling, "We will leave no one behind, dead or alive." If we claim to be Christians and the children of the Most High, should our calling be higher even unto death as well?

Ask Him for the strength to persevere and endure in all things. In your suffering a TESTIMONY will be birthed! In your sacrifice and love, souls will be saved and HE WILL BE GLORIED!! Persevere and endure in all things brethren. You are not allowed to leave any situation unless He gives you direct permission. Learn and know His Ways for they are HIGHER.

Yes, He is coming for you but you must hold your ground. Do not give the enemy any land back. Do not lose what you have labored. Hold fast and pray diligently.

2 John 1:8 (AMP)Look to yourselves (take care) that you may not lose (throw away or destroy) all that we and you have labored for, but that you may [persevere until you] win and receive back a perfect reward [in full].

I give you the Glory Father
Fire of God!
Steve Yong Kim

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