"I have searched among them for someone who could build a wall or stand in the gap before Me to keep Me from destroying the land; but I found no one. Therefore I have poured out My fury upon them; with My fiery wrath I have consumed them; I have brought down their conduct upon their heads, says the Lord GOD." Ezekiel 22:30-31
In Ezekiel 22, the sins of the Israelites had gotten so bad that Daddy God was seeking for someone who will intercede for the land, but He had found none. The priests, prophets, princes during that time were the ones who opposed Daddy God and the rests of the people of the land had followed them in their wickedness. Because Daddy God had found no one to stand in the gap, He’ll go on with His plan to punish the people.
This gap is the same today. Daddy God is looking for better men. He is looking from heaven, searching the Earth, looking all over the world seeking for a man/woman who will stand in the gap. Our world is full of sin and many people were dying and going to hell. But sadly, many among us are having good times and enjoying worldly things instead of kneeling and crying out before the Lord so that His people would be saved. We spend most of our time to nonsense things-- watching television, surfing the internet, playing games, working to earn more money, etc. Don’t we know that we will be accountable for every moment that we are wasting? If there is one thing that should consume most of our time, it is for praying. We must examine ourselves of what consumes most of our time that leads us far from God.
"Go up and down the streets of Jerusalem, look around and consider, search through her squares. If you can find but one person who deals honestly and seeks the truth, I will forgive this city.” Jeremiah 5:1
In the Old Testament, the reason why Daddy God withdraws His hand in destroying the people was because there were few good men who stood in the gap and interceded for His people. They pleaded with God to remember His people and His promises to them. In Exodus 32:32 Moses prayed: "If you would only forgive their sin! If you will not then strike me out of the book that you have written." Moses had stood in the gap. Moses was willing to sacrifice himself to be blot out from the Book of Life so that the Israelites would be saved and be forgiven.
“So he said he would destroy them--had not Moses, his chosen one, stood in the breach before him to keep his wrath from destroying them.” Psalm 106:23
Queen Esther also stood in the gap and risked her life between her people and Haman’s plot to destroy them. Daniel, a righteous man stood in the gap and interceded for his people. In Daniel chapter 9, Daniel prayed: WE have sinned, WE are rebellious, WE are shamefaced etc.
In the New Testament, Paul prayed in Romans 9: "For I could wish that I myself were accursed and separated from Christ for the sake of my brothers, my kinsmen, the Israelites."
Paul, Daniel, Moses, Esther and other good men had associated themselves with the sins of their people and they stood in the gap between God’s fiery wrath and their people. Daddy God is searching for some Moses, or Abraham, or Daniel, or a new Esther or any like Aaron in our generation that will stand in the gap and intercede for His people. He is searching for someone who has a heart that is willing to bear the burdens of the people and ask for forgiveness, someone who would faithfully exhort, reprove and counsel His people to turn back to Him. He is looking for someone who would restrain His people from sinning, and reform them, and set them a good example. He is looking for people who will spend their time praying for the people who are still in bondage of sin and Satan.
Who will stand in the gap? Jesus had stood in the gap between God and men. When Daddy God created the Earth, He said that “It was very good.” There’s no gap between God and Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve could talk and converse with God in person in the cool of the day in the garden of Eden. But after they had sinned, it created a gap between God and men. To bridge this gap, God Himself stood in the gap for us by sending Jesus to live as man, die on the cross for our sins, and arise from the dead.
Like our Savior Jesus, we must also stand in the gap. We should stand in the gap because Jesus stood in the gap for us on the cross. We are Daddy God’s representatives. We must be willing to sacrifice ourselves for His people. We are to stand in the gap on behalf of others who are not aware of their sinful condition. Are we willing to become a sacrificial offering to change Daddy God’s plans of judgment because of our willingness to stand in their place? If we stand in the gap for others, Daddy God moves but if we don’t, His plans will go forward because He is a holy and righteous God. Perhaps we are the only one in our home or in our city, or in our country who will stand in the gap. But Daddy God said that if ever there is one person who deals honestly and seeks the truth, He will forgive.
"If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land."2 Chronicles 7:14
-Daddy’s girl
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