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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Joseph Anointing, June 20, 2014

There is much talk about the Joseph anointing for the end times. But what is the Joseph anointing? Let look at a glimpse of Joseph's life. He was betrayed by his family of brothers. Why? Joseph was an obedient son to Jacob. He was very much loved by his father because of his obedience. But Joseph would report the bad things about his brothers to their father. His brothers were up to no good most of the time. Joseph's brothers had become jealous and full of hatred toward him. Then when Joseph had his dreams, they hated him even more.

These dreams were a sign from God. They were a hint of how God would save HIS people one day. But human carnal flesh do not see God's ways. The carnal nature does not know God's thoughts.  We look at the physical and we become prideful. We must put down our pride and selfish ambitions and know HE is God. Joseph's brothers did not attempt to discern the meaning of the dreams. They were full of pride unwilling to submit to God's authority, especially through their younger brother. Any thoughts of bowing down the their youngest brother was ridiculous to them. 

Envy, jealousy, and hate had planted the seed of murder into the hearts of Joseph's brothers. One day, when they saw him, they were committed to murdering their youngest brother. They were blinded by hate. God knows what is in our hearts. But God loves all of us so much that HE continues to pour down HIS mercy and grace upon all of us including those who are wicked and evil. Joseph brothers had evil in their hearts. Although man may use their evil to destroy one another, God will use man's ill intention and HE will turn it around for good and for HIS Glory.

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” —Romans 8:28

Joseph was sold as a slave by his brothers and then to Egypt and placed under Potiphar's authority. At first, Joseph, as a slave, probably had to clean the out houses (bathrooms) and perform all the menial jobs. When he proved himself to be loyal and a good worker, Joseph was placed to manage all of Potiphar's business within the house. Scripture says the Lord was with Joseph and God blessed Potiphar's house for Joseph's sake. The Lord had blessed Joseph and Potiphar's household because Joseph did not complain about his situation. In fact, he was also tested through Potiphar's wife as she attempted to seduce him. 

Just when things were getting much better and Joseph was managing Potiphar's affairs, his situation appeared to have gotten worse rather than better. Although a slave but by God's grace, he had worked his way to the top administration position for Potiphar but because of Potiphar's wife, he was now in prison. How did he react? How would you have reacted after waiting all those years for God to rescue you but the situation appeared to have become worse? Joseph was now thrown into prison for false accusation.

We must learn to discern our situations as HIS ways and HIS thoughts are higher than ours. We must always be grateful and not give into complaints or hopelessness. We must always praise and thank HIM in all situations. Joseph had to wait for about 12 to 13 years before his time had come. Those years were years of testing and for him to die to himself. They were years of testing to determine if bitterness or resentment would grow or if he would become humbled and continue to be faithful to God. Joseph at a young age had to endure slavery and then prison while his brothers who had sold him were enjoying life. His brothers had families, they were tending their flock, and enjoying their freedom. Their lives appeared blessed even though they had committed a grave sin against Joseph. They lied to their father about his death and they had almost murdered him but at the end decided to sell him.

From top slave to now a prisoner in Pharaoh's jail, Joseph continued with his attitude of gratefulness and faithfulness to God. He served even in prison and was even promoted to assist the warden. In fact, he was placed in the King's prison where other dignateries were incarcerated. Although Joseph was in prison, he had access to good food and environment since it was where dignitaries were held. Joseph was passing his tests as he waited for God. We can be in our wildernesses and when we do not complain and as we are obedient to God, HE will allow us to go through it in the "King's prison" where we will not lack but be abundantly supplied.

God had to place Joseph in prison so that he could meet the baker and cup bearer of Pharaoh. It would be through the interpretation of their dreams that one day Joseph would meet Pharaoh. After two years in prison, Joseph's time had come as the cup bearer remembered Joseph when Pharaoh had his dream.

Joseph at the young age was betrayed by his brothers and he had spent most of his young adult life as a slave and prisoner. He did not have much of a young adult life. Even during the seven fat years, his brothers prospered and further more enjoyed their lives. They were not punished for betraying Joseph but the betrayal was used to save them. How ironic! For Joseph, God used those years to humble, test, purge, teach patience, teach obedience, and mold Joseph to a position and calling to glorify God.

Joseph, his brothers, and Jacob their father are God's people. Joseph was the point man who had to sacrifice himself for his family. His family wanted him dead but nevertheless, Joseph was chosen by God. Joseph did not have any material wealth as a slave and prisoner. When he became appointed 2nd to Pharaoh, God used Egyptian money, wealth, and labor to provide for God's people. Then Jacob and his family came to Egypt to live and they were given the best land to settle. They didn't have to do a thing to be well fed and protected under Egyptian rule. It was the Grace of God!

When the famine struck, the famine was used by God to humble Joseph's brothers. They had lived many years in prosperity but famine brought them to their meek level. The famine brought them to confess about Joseph. The famine had brought the family back together as all of them were humbled. The years in exile and famine had taught Joseph to give mercy and grace to his brothers. Joseph knew at the end that it was God who had sent him ahead of his family to save them. There are only two roads from our wildernesses, we will either come out changed more humbled and obedient or we will die in our complaints and misery. We must endure and pass our tests.

God did not use Jacob, his sons, nor Joseph's resources to save them. God used the world's system, the world's labor, and the world's wealth to provide for His own people during the famine. God's people had not stocked up nor were they prepared for the famine. Our financial resources are to be used for HIS Kingdom by utilizing such resources for proper tithes and offerings and not for stocking up. Scripture promises that if God will take care of the sparrow, will HE not take care of us?

What is the Joseph anointing? The Joseph anointing is a calling on His people who will spiritually go through what Joseph went through so we can be prepared to rule the nations with Christ. We do not need to worry about what we will eat, drink, or be clothed. You do not need to worry about the calamities that are coming to the world as God has already prepared our safe places with provisions to those who obey. We need to be stocking up our spiritual barns with wheat, new wine, and oil. Wheat is the new souls for the Kingdom, new wine is new spiritual gifts, and oil represented wealth and prosperity. Therefore, spiritual oil is to accumulate our spiritual wealth, spiritual prosperity, and spiritual health. Then as your spirit prospers, your body shall prosper. 

Some may feel like they are in Joseph's situation as brothers and sisters in Christ may have hated and betrayed them and they may even be living prosperous lives at this moment just as Joseph's brothers. But as Joseph, we must not hold anything against them as God loves all HIS children. We must just thank God in all our circumstances and we must focus on passing our tests and overcoming temptations. Those who endure temptation will recieve a crown of life. We must even thank God for helping us learn from our mistakes. We must know His ways and thoughts are much higher than ours and our focus must be to know HIM more so we can persevere and endure as HIS Will is done.

Jacob or Israel and his seventy family members did not do a thing to be put in the best land of Goshen and be treated like royalty. But Joseph on the other end had to forgive, endure, and suffer for their sake and his own sake. When he passed his tests enduring to the end, all of God's people were saved. They did not have to use their money or investment. In fact, when the brothers had come to buy wheat, the money was given back to them. Glory to God! 

The children of the Most High do not need to worry about their future nor participate in the worries of the world. We do not need to worry about its politics nor judge our leaders. We just need to pray and pray for our secular leaders and nation. The bible says not to store up where moth can eat at it. We are not to store our resources as back up lacking our trust in God. We are to invest it into the Kingdom in proper obedient tithes and offering sowing on good ground. We must sow into ministries which are enduring, praying, and persevering as Joseph had done. Such churches will one day be raised up to rule the nations and help God's people when the famine comes.

All the Glory to God!

Pastor Steve Yong Kim
Fire of God Church
Fremont, CA USA

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The great and hidden things by Pastor Kim Yong Doo

(Jeremiah 33:3)

We must always be praying. We even possess the knowledge of the importance of prayer. Prayer has different levels. In order to reach a certain level of prayer, a person has to be placed within a particular process or method. It is very important for the person to be in certain type of a method or circumstance. When you are in a most difficult situation, you will be resolving it with a particular method. Different people have different methods to resolve their problems or issues. When it comes to solving a problem, some people are determined and may say, “I will do my best until this problem is resolved.” Some people may meet with other people to find resolutions. Then there are some people when stressed will drink and smoke.

When Jeremiah had a message from the Lord, he delivered it to the people of Israel. As he was delivering the message, the king came against Jeremiah and he was confined in the courtyard of the guard. Even though Jeremiah was locked up, the Word of God continuously came upon him. If Prophet Jeremiah had shut his mouth, Israel would have been utterly ruined.

God is in the business of revealing His plans to His people. He would say, “Do you know who I am? I am Jehovah who plans and carries out.” God creates and plans things out. As God molds and handles our faith, personality, character and other things in our lives, HE creates and plans accordingly. All the issues of country, people, family, church and individuals are created and planned by God. HE not only creates and plans, He also accomplishes. God whom we believe possesses tremendous power!

One day, I had become very curious about the outer appearance of our Father God. But the only way to see Him is for us to die and go to heaven. Since Jesus came in the flesh, we are very familiar with Him. But how about Father God and the Holy Spirit? If anyone tries to come too close to Father God, these people will be destroyed. Even the closest angels around the throne of God covers their faces and their feet. In heaven, there are angels with six pairs of wings. They are the Seraphim kinds of angels. There is a most powerful radiating light from Father God and therefore, there is some kind of of protection that covers the angels, the people, and all of creation. All the angels and the twenty four elders would always drop their heads downward. If anyone or anything is directly exposed to God’s light, they will die and be terminated. So whenever God meets us, He would dim down His light. He adjusts His light for our sake. Otherwise we will die.

My ministry was stuck. My family was under the most severe poverty. This severe poverty was handed down from my parents. For the people that has been handed down suffering and poverty from their parents, what are they to do about it? During that particular time in my ministry,, I found out that there were more than thirty thousand promises of God in which we can receive through our prayer. I knew if I can obtain the power of God, my life would be changed and everything would be fixed.

Jeremiah 33:3, “ Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand).”

This is the promise of Jehovah. He said in Deuteronomy 5:10 And showing mercy and steadfast love to thousands and to a thousand generations of those who love Me and keep My commandments.”

Proverbs 8:17 I love those who love me, and those who seek me early and diligently shall find me."

So I thought to myself. ‘I will meet Him’. I prayed when others slept. When others were having a good time and having fun, I stayed home and/or church and prayed. He is a God who is close at hand. However, the more I would pray, the more obstacles, walls, and tests were placed in front of me. The more we read the Word of God, the more we realized the depth of His word and power. Prayer and reading will be accumulated. The more we understand the depth of the Word of God, it makes people run away from Him. Many people feel it is very difficult and burdensome. Many Christians want to blow up when they are angry. They want to act according to how they feel and based on their personality. But those characteristics do not fit in the kingdom of God. The Lord will reject such people. Christians would accumulate these characteristics or personality (instead of getting rid of them) and at some point, many would just blow up. When they blow up, everything including their faith will be in vain.

Satan observes and waits for a gap to bring a particular incident within the church, family, workplace. Do not ever give any gap nor be seized by him! The devil will devour you! He often raises up entertainment people such as actors and actresses to kill them. When these types of people are killed, the fans who have loved them will also be destroyed. When Christians are married, we might be obsessed and may say, “My husband is mine!” or “My wife is mine!”, or “My children are mine!” Real ownership belongs to God. Due to our physical desire, ownership, and greed will bring much trouble. Do not force your thought or idea onto your husband or wife. This includes even your children. Use your wisdom but do not fight. The more you pray and the more your are spiritually blessed, many obstacles will appear. Once we are spiritually blessed, and have received grace living with the help of the Holy Spirit, satan will begin to attack to make the family members become enemies. Satan does not want us to be spiritually blessed. He does not want us to pray and going before the throne of God. Once we have decided to follow God, Satan will say, “Hey, I will leave you alone if you do not go to church.” Once we pass the  test and go to church, Satan will say. “Alright! I will let you go to church, but just don’t pray”. But if we still pray, Satan will say, “Ok, you can pray but I don’t want you to be received with the the Holy Spirit. Don’t receive the Holy Spirit!”. Satan tries very hard to make religious christians.

Even though Jesus as a perfect human being with a human nature, HE still needed the help of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus was baptised at the Jordan river, the anointing of the Holy Spirit came upon Him. Every church and individual christian must be anointed like Jesus was anointed. The anointing of oil is a peculiar work of the Holy Spirit. When common churches and christians are anointed by the oil of God, the power will begin to manifest. Healing will manifest, the power of tongue will manifest and other types of gifts will manifest. These are the power of the anointing. In order to possess and manifest the power of anointing, we must pray. Not just a regular prayer, but to pray in tongue. If a pastor does not powerfully pray, the church members will not be able to pray powerfully as well. Depending on how a pastor prays, the church member’s prayer life may not change. For example, in most churches, if a member shouts out in prayer, the pastor may say, “Sheeeee! Be quiet! You are disturbing the prayer of other people!”.

Once this occurs and as the pastor keeps an close eye on that particular member who had shouted during prayer, that member will have a difficult time staying in that church. This person will be on the pastor’s “black list”. These types of people will wander for a while.

Even though Jesus had power, He purposely limited Himself as a human being by possessing the human characteristics to show us even through His weak body that we can achieve  victory. To be a good example for us, He literally prayed. He felt pain if people harmed Him physically. He felt hunger and through these experiences, Jesus had shown us obtaining victory through prayer.

When my wife began holy dancing, I didn’t accept it. Most presbyterian pastors, if not all of them, will not accept such spiritual gifts. If any power or spiritual gifts manifest, these pastors will judge usig theology and doctrine. I was one of them. It is better to sort out the religious mindset and ideas before entering theology school. If we want to lead a ministry the Lord desires, and in order for a common church to carry out God’s work, the presence of God is required. We need the anointing of the Holy Spirit. There is little difference between the presence of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit pours His anointing over a person, such a person is set apart for God. In Old Testament, Prophet Samuel anointed oil on Saul and David to make them future kings. Even though they could not be king right away, they needed to go through certain processes and wait to become king. It is the same thing with us. We need to prepare ourselves. Even though we can not be changed right away, the power does not manifest right now either. As we continuously prepare and ready ourselves, we are taking steps to carry it out. As we continuously pray, the power of prayer will be accumulated. As we wait and prepare, the decisive time of exploding onto the scene will manifest. Once it begins to manifest, one can stop it. When this occurs, even as you touch someone and look at someone, the work of God will manifest. Until then, we must pray at all time. Anyone who wants to carry out the calling or mission of God, they need the presence of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

What is the presence of God? At certain time or season, God powerfully present Himself noticeably. This is when the Holy Spirit comes upon us. When the Holy Spirit anoints, this means God anoints with His oil. In foreign countries, many churches do not have manifestation of the power but instead, they have literal oil and they pour the oil onto people as a formality. The reality is very miserable. One time, a particular church from abroad took us out for dinner. These were several church members who were women .

Suddenly, one of them said, “Oh, I felt the energy of the evil spirit!”

She then began to spray into the air! I didn’t do or say anything but observed what she would do next. She then began to spray it into her mouth. Then the one who was sitting next to her began spraying as well.

I said, “Sister Debora, what are you doing?”

She replied, “Oh, this is something you do not know.”

I said (he is really mocking), “Oh really? Can you spray onto me as well? I think I also feel the evil energy.”

She said, “Oh, no pastor!”. But in the evening time, during the conference, when we ministered to them with the Holy Fire, they themselves manifested with the evil spirits in them. The scene was miserable. Without having any power of the Holy Spirit, the anointing oil then only becomes formality. This will then become dangerous.

Even though Prophet Jeremiah was locked up, God said, “Only if you and Israel prays, since it is not too late, I will show great, mighty and hidden things to you.” If we encounter problems, come to the church and pray! If your (speaking to visitors) church does not pray, come to the Lord’s church and pray. I will not ask you to be our church members. We must make our church a prayer church. We need to make our family a family of prayer. If you have problems, pray. If you are wrongly treated, and mortified, then you need to pray.

Today, someone texted and cursed me. I frequently receive such messages. The world prominent champion will not compete with a small town champion. If a world prominent champion competes with a small town champion, it will be an interesting story that it will be in all over the newspaper. If a person is spiritually blessed by God and receives grace and then commits a sin, this person will face some serious consequences and may be embarrassed before God. When I first went before God, Satan suddenly appeared next to me. Satan was making an eerie sound. He spoke and cursed even before the throne of God. I was able to hear it. But his body was slanted about 45 degree and his face was facing downward. He could not lift up his body or face. I was standing left to him. Therefore he frequently stared at me to the left side. Satan was gnashing his teeth and the sound echoed into the air. Satan was very angry. Satan was very mad because we were fervently and earnestly praying and having our spirituality opened. Why Satan is going insane? Because once a christian receives the spiritual blessing, grace and power, it will be hard for him to easily handle such a person anymore. So Satan’s mission is to pull the people from their ministering positions who are doing God’s work. Satan wants to ruin the blessed experience, pulling out members before they properly receive the holy fire, and they will continue to try to pull the people out. But christians are not aware of this tactic. When someone or something offends them, they would say, “Well, I will leave this church.” or “Well, my weakness is revealed, I will leave this church”. Who is working behind the scene?

The more we pray, the more we will experience walls and obstacles. But each time when we jump over them and overcome, our ministry will expand. There will be more blessings and God will grant a larger portion to us. Once we are spiritually blessed and awakened, the spirit of the AntiChrist will spot us. They will target praying churches and praying members. On the first day of the summer conference, I went to hell.

I heard Satan yell out this statement, “We have received the lists! Work hard to receive more lists of the servants of God! Make them commit sin!! Attack the christians who are exposed with sins!!”

Whenever a christian commits sin, Satan will write it down and make a list. Even in the midst of a conversation, if we say a ‘hint’ of lustful word, the spirit of lust will work right away. Brethren, please be very careful not to give any gap to the enemy. The evil spirits will come and seduce with sin.

Even though you are praying, what if the power does not come. What if nothing happens. Will you quit praying? No, you need to exam your lives and pray all over again. And if you are exposed and have committed sin, start all over again. If you do not fully commit and overcome the tests, but instead if you frequently lose the battles, only achieve a little victory here and there, if you go back and forth frequently, you will fall into the trap of “sense of shame.”

Satan will say, “You are useless! You are finished!” He will continuously attack you through your thoughts. Satan will accuse you, “You have failed! You think you are a servant of God? How does this make you a servant of God? You have heard the message of God so many times, but you are not transformed! You are hopeless!! Hopeless!! Hopeless!!” Especially, the servants of God, who do not have the power of God will not have any excuses to give to God. It will become very dangerous.

There are so many “swindlers” or so called pastors in Korea. There are many more abroad. Many so called prophets (means with many gifts) are like “professionals” in asking money and obtaining money from christians. Those “prophets” will never go to heaven. I have seen numerous people falling into hell right before the throne of God. One day, I asked the Lord, “Lord, can you please show me the process of how Hitler (the German dictator) went to hell” Then the scene was shown to me.

Hitler cried out, “Oh!!! No one told me about the gospel!!”

I mean… he deserves hell, but he was giving excuses as he shouted, “No one told me to believe in Jesus and be saved!!”

Satan comes to the throne of God with a list to go to hell. When the list was approved, in hell, I saw doors on the ground of hell, right in front of Satan. The size of the ground was huge like a stadium. On top of these doors, many naked men and women. As Satan mockingly laughed, “You calling yourselves a pastors, leaders, elders, and deacons?” I also saw buddhists. These buddhists looked holy from the outside but behind the scenes, they had cursed, commit adultery, was lustful, angry, drunk, smoked and so on. They were hypocrites. The doors were heated like how iron were heated. When Satan stepped on a button, the doors opened downward. All the souls on top of the doors fell into the pit. Even though they had fallen into the hellfire, they were only greatly tormented and not burned a bit.

If we say that we will do something, then we need to keep our word. If we say we have repented, then we need to bring forth the fruit of repentance. We need to live our lives based on what we preach. Isn’t this right? This is very frightening. If we are angry, cursing, fighting, and whatever we did, it is fearful thing.

One time, when our church was located under the basement of the building, someone came to our church and grabbed my shirt and said, “Hey you bastard!! Are you the owner of this church? Are you sure you are a pastor? You are a sicko!! Your quality of leading the ministry must be very poor! Even the name of the church is ridiculous, a mission church?”

But I was not stirred up. But I guess my wife was upset over the situation. I think women are scary. As I was dragged outside by my shirt, and was threatened to be punched, my wife began cussing at him and said, “You!! Let go of my husband!!!” During that time, some people had come and stopped him. I had a few members at that time, but they only watched and did not do anything to stop the incident. I was really sad. There are many things we need to endure and be patient because of Jesus.

No matter how much we pray and if nothing is happening and no power comes, we need to exam and start all over again. Then we will be able to properly start again refreshed. Even if the church prays, if there are no manifestation of power, and there is no anointing and presence of God, then the pastor and members of that church will become religious. 2 Timothy 3:5 “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”

Dear brethren, please pray continuously, even though it may seem like you are receiving no power, all your prayer will be  accumulated and you will receive power. As you begin to receive power, things will manifest and work out. Receiving power from God is not an option for you to choose. If you pray, God will show you great and mighty things, He will share His secrets with you. Anyone can receive the power of God. If nothing is happening in your life, please start all over again. When one does not receive power and nothing is happening or manifesting in his/her life, this person will begin to justify him/herself. This is like making a new doctrine. If this happens, this will create problems. Such a person will not be approved or recognized by the work of the Holy Spirit. If such a people become pastors or seminary professors, they will destroy the body of Christ.

One of the young adults had an evil spirit in the form of dragon in him. We performed deliverance to cast it out. This young adult entered into the seminary school and entering the school had strayed him away. He said, “From now on, I will not believe the power of the Holy Spirit and holy fire. I don’t understand why he has become like that. As he was taught in the seminary school, he was being taught that the spiritual gifts and manifestations were wrong. He had been deceived. The seminary school do such evil things. They act like doctrine and theological teaching is all they need. The power of the word of God must be alive. If you do not pay the price of suffering, test and tribulation, you will pay a heavier price later on. It is like the Israelites who were exiled and killed. Please remember, even in the Lord’s church, there are people who are going through the test of suffering, difficulty, and praying.

Prophesying is to be the lips of the Lord as He impress us to speak. It is not for just anybody to speak just because they desire too. It does not matter what type of message God gives you, you must properly receive it with faith. You must go to the end and obtain victory. In the last days, we will compete not with quantity but quality! Only through the power of prayer will you be helped to pass your tests, fulfill your calling and mission. Your prayers will relate to your blessings by God. Anyone who pray on their knees before God, God will show great and mighty things along with secrets of God. This is not only about spiritual matters, but church, family, and physica. You must pray diligently. Amen.

Summer Fire Revival conference 2015
South Korea, Incheon
Pastor Kim Yong Doo

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Sept 2015 Fire Conference San Francisco/San Jose California with Pastor Kim Yong Doo

Pastor Kim, Yong Doo, Senior Pastor, The Lord's Church of South Korea and author of book series, "Baptize by Blazing Fire" will be in the San Francisco/ San Jose California church of Fire of God with Pastor Steve Yong Kim for A Holy Fire Revival Conference on
Sept 10-12, 2015 8 PM
Sept 13, 2015 Noon
Come join us to be baptized by the Holy Fire of God and be awakened for HIS Return. You will be spiritually fed, trained, and prepared to fight with the end time church and ministry for these last days.

We must pray!

Summer Fire Revival 2015, Pastor Kim Yong Doo
We must pray! We must pray! Many times, God firmly says, “Only when you pray, your future will be unfolded and loosened!”
God told King Solomon, “If you do not do the things that your rebellious ancestors had done but do as my servant King David, I will grant you abundant wealth and prosperity! But if not, you will be finished!”
What God grants to us is in most cases conditional. We must pray, be humbled and obey. These are the conditions God has given to us. The conditions are that we need to believe, trust, rely on, follow, obey, and pray. God already has many plans He desires to commence but He is not able to find a praying people. God will be silent as He waits. Without one realizing that God is moving on, God will search for other people. “ The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.” God grants grace and mercy to people who seeks Him with all their hearts and mind. God knows and is fully aware when we pray, read the bible, and worship/praise.
There is a first level of priority that we must execute. This first level is to have the spiritual connection with God at all times. If God says, “Pray, forgive and obey!” We must do whatever the Lord commands. The first level priority is to carry out whatever God asks of us. Through these obedient types of Christians, God will grant many chances and opportunities. Such obedient types of Christians will have their future unfolded and untied. It will not just be their future, but even their current situations. The Lord tunes His timing with His praying servants. He always waits until there are praying servants to be found. Whenever God finds praying servants, He begins to manage them. God manages praying people a little more strictness than regular Christians. God handles them with a higher level of discipline, tribulation, suffering, pain, trials and tests.
According to God’s plan, we will be granted with opportunities and chances to make choices. This is a very important message. It is our job to rightly choose. If we choose wrong, even what we have been called will end. But if we choose right, even though the right choice may bring trials and tests, we will be solving and unfolding current and future things with the Lord. Therefore, please choose right. When we choose right, the spiritual power will effectively help us to pray and the secrets of the Kingdom of God will be unfolded. These things will be manifested in a glorious way.
We wish to know our future. In most case, when a person’s error, weakness, shortcoming, and faults are revealed, he/she leaves the church without hesitation. These type of people will search for a church where no one knows any background on them. They will tell the new church people how good they are. Such as, "I was an evangelist, a deaconess and so on. I have experienced particular spiritual experiences.” These people would hide all their mistakes and they may even do some kind spiritual task or position at the new church. You must endure and overcome even if your mistakes, faults, weaknesses and shortcomings are revealed without leaving the church. Only then, God will work out for good.
Do you want to work with the Lord? You must properly, uprightly, and most definitely pray. When we sincerely, innocently and purely pray, the work of God will begin to manifest from ourselves to our families. The church will be expanded as it spreads throughout the nation. The church will continue to expand to other countries and to all the world. We are all going in this direction. And afterwards, God will interfere with the business of our national finance and politics.
Our upright proper prayer and choice can affect national finance and politics. The Lord’s church may look small and insignificant, but this church is influencing the other nations significantly. The Fire Ministry is very powerful. We need to carry it out more precisely. We have built and are operating orphanages in other countries. We need to raise up good staff personnel to take good care of the the orphanages. We are sending thousands of dollars to them but we need good proper staff personnel. We need to build mission centers in Africa and in Europe so that fire ministers can be raised and trained. Currently, there are many Holy Fire Ministries all over the world but as they are established, many problems are occurring within those churches. We also need to hold Holy Fire Leadership Conferences to discuss ideas and opinions. Therefore, the headquarter of the Lord’s Church in Korea must stand firmly.
The devil tries to take out the fire ministers or the person who has received the Holy Fire of God. The devil tries to discourage and make them give up. The demons create circumstances for those Christians to be persecuted, treated with condemnation, and make them live around their wounds and hurts. If such a person does not let go of tactics of the enemy and overcomes, his/her future will not be opened. Their future cannot be guaranteed. This type of person will continuously stay within their hurt and pain. We cannot continue to trap ourselves. We need to jump out of it. Satan utilizes our hurt and pain. Satan continues to remind us over and over flooding our minds and thoughts to totally destroy us. This is Satan’s very high level strategy. From the outside, it may look very natural. People argue and fight then one leaves the church with such hurt. But behind the scene, Satan is in control. We really need to wake up and be alert.
We need faith and prayer. We need powerful spiritual infiltrating soldiers. These soldiers must be the Lord’s church members and I. The agents of Satan are all throughout the world, but we Christians are living idly. Such Christians would think like this, ‘Oh, someone else will do this or that for me. Someone else will take care of my problems.’
No! No one will take care of your problems. You and I need to rightly choose to unfold and solve the future with the Lord. We are in the last days! We compete with quantity and quality! With such a faith, please overcome and obtain victory. Amen.
Pastor Kim, Yong Doo

The lowest Pit of Hell Part 2 by Pastor Kim Yong Doo

When Jesus came to the earth, He carried out many works for Father God. Jesus numerously performed power healing the sick. Whenever Jesus met the people, He brought spiritual restoration to them. At the same time, full of grace, He knew how to carry all types of work. As He had met His people, Jesus had lightened the heaviness of their hearts. Even their intertwined problems were all resolved.
There was one thing that Jesus was very concerned about. Healing the sick is very easy for Him. Resolving the problems of sin will bring restoration and healing from sickness. God is telling us to repent of our sins! Repentance of sin will bring healing. He had already foreseen the things that were coming even after the event of the cross. He had many concerns and thoughts about spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare could be very complicated. There are times, even if we are maybe right on certain things or in a situation, we could still be wrong. In most case, many people fight over the truth and over the right matters. The do not fight over the wrong matters. So from my view, the other person may look wrong. On the other hand, from the other person’s view, I may look wrong. This becomes the problem.
Jesus has a scenario of salvation, but in His time, He only had twelve spiritual soldiers to closely work with. These twelve truly needed to become God’s holy people. They needed to be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit and engrave God’s Word into their hearts. But they could not. So Jesus was very concerned. Jesus prayed to seize the forces of Satan. With the fullness of the Holy Spirit, Jesus was led to the wilderness carrying out forty days of fasting. Satan came to test Him. When one is filled with the Holy Spirit, this person will overcome all types of tests even if Satan comes to test him/her. But a person without the filling of the Holy Spirit who has lost the joy of God’s given grace, he/she will be easily defeated. No person can be guaranteed. Tests come to christians who are full of the Holy Spirit and also to those who are not. The tests come accordingly. But with the christians who are not filled with the Holy Spirit will be easily defeated. In fact, it does not even take any time to be defeated. But the more you are filled with the Holy Spirit, the more difficult tests you will face. Those in the Fire Ministry will experience more difficult tests. The evil spirits strike our bodies as well. They come timely with the tests. We need to follow the Lord and we need to boldly attack the forces of the enemy!
The Lord said, “I have come to set the world on fire, and I wish it were already burning! I have a terrible baptism of suffering ahead of me, and I am under a heavy burden until it is accomplished.” But the fire is not yet kindled. The Lord said, “Oh the Fire is not kindling, my heart aches.”
In order for us to have our fire maintained and be kindled, we need to pray. But in most cases, it is very difficult for people to pray. The ministry of prayer is most a difficult thing for christians to carry out. Praying is a difficult thing for many. Therefore, not many churches are praying. The first step is for pastors to realize that they need to pray and pray on their knees! Pastors must realize this so they can properly train their church members to pray as well. Instead of praying, many pastors create church programs to train their church congregation. Satan is not scared of such churches. Even if a person comes to a church, if such a person is not born again with the Holy Spirit, all are in vain. They think they are born again. Yes they are only “born again” theoretically in their minds.
There are two ways to attack your enemy with fire. The first one is to use the fire to break the trap/snare on someone so that such a person can be set free and come back to God. The second way is restoration for oneself with the power of fire. When the power of Fire from God comes upon us, it does not mean we will instantly become cleansed and righteous. We will begin to fiercely fight against ourselves. We will fight spiritual warfare against our habits, personality, nature, character, and our tendencies. But the reality is that it is very difficult for people to transform or change. But when the grace God is poured down upon us, people will realize and respond faster. Those who are in the overflowing of grace of God, even if they sin, they will rapidly repent. This process is one of the form of transformation or changes. If one does not properly repent, they will end up in hell.
In the bible, there is a introduction, the main and the conclusion. Certain people are displayed in the bible from the beginning to the end. As we read the stories of the saints, we assume it would be easy for us. We think we will transform easily. But in order for a person to be changed, it will take a long time. No one knows how a person’s life will end. No matter how much one person may pray, if this person is placed in a situation where he/she needs to prove his/her faith but instead act passively in such a situation, all are in vain.
God had told me once. “I will be (continuously) baptize you with the holy fire. Your ministry and church will continue to grow and become larger. Even when you become larger, do not ever change the main core subject! Do not ever cease in your prayer for the rest of your whole life!”
I said, “Yes Lord, I will do that”.
The Lord added, “When you and the church becomes more famous and financially blessed, you must always and continuously stay humble!”
I said, “Yes Lord, I will do that”. It is a very fearful thing.
In order to maintain our spiritual condition, we need to maintain our prayer life. If we do not pray, we will not be able to maintain our spirituality. The Lord desires us to grow/mature in our faith. When parents nurture and take good care of their children, these parents will expect them to grow to maturity. But if their children refuse to mature, then their children will become concerns to their parents. They may grow physically, but what if their mentality or wisdom do not mature, will they act like an adult? The parents of such children will feel suffocated and concerned. Jesus already has his strategy. Only if we obey, we will obtain victory. If one does not walk toward the scenario of salvation in which the Lord has already planned and goes the other way, then such a person will experience difficulty in their spiritual and physical warfare. The Lord has already precisely prepared the scenario of salvation.
Before our Summer Revival Conference had began, my church members and I went through many types of tests. After the church services, Satan would wait at my house to attack me. On top of this, the members would call me to complain about the other members and their problems.
I said, “Why would you complain to me? Am I the Lord? Go to the Lord!” You must come before the Lord and plead with Him. The intercessors and the ministers of fire will be attacked tremendously. When we pray, Satan tries to make us pray without power. You must be spiritually sensitive.
We are living in the days where some pastors say even the gift of tongue is from the devil. They treat the work of the Holy Spirit like the work of the devil. These people will go to the lowest pit of hell. How dare they treat the work of the Holy Spirit in such a way. They blasphemy the work of the Holy Spirit. Once they end up in hell, the devil will judge them fiercely.
When I had visited the lowest part of hell, God said, “You will see many souls that you know.”
I was thinking, ‘How can this be possible? The people who are still alive on the earth are in this place?’ When I arrived in hell, I saw Satan possessing a list of names of christians in his hand. The list had names of christians who were on their way to hell. This kind of revelation is not even written in the bible. Therefore, I am fearful to disclose such revelation. The names that are written on this list is based on the person’s current spiritual condition. This is a fearful thing! If we do not properly walk our faith life, ship wrecking our spirituality and faith, and do not stand right on our faith, Satan will write down our names on the list. Satan observes christians who complain, grumble and have resentment within the church. These types of people are easily targeted and hooked by Satan. The devil easily spot these types of people.
The devil commands his subordinates, “Hey! write her/his name down. Write it down!” This is like an assassinating list. So through people’s spiritual condition and behavior, the devil gets their names.
So in the lowest part of hell are many body parts. It is also called the hell dumpster and it was filled with so many people I know/knew. There were fire ministers in the past, people who received grace and spiritual blessing, evangelists, deaconess, deacons, elders, and pastors. There were numerous people of God in there. So the list in the devil’s hand had the names of God’s people and it is based on the person’s current spiritual condition. What kind of spiritual condition do you have? What kind of faith life are you living? The devil persistently goes to the throne of God with the list from hell in his hand.
He had shouted to God, “God!! Look at these names!! Your so called people calling themselves christians are in a bad spiritual condition!! They are complaining, grumbling, jealous, envious, angry and committing the sin of adultery. They are lustful, slandering, gossiping, and drunken. They are also indulging in debauchery!! There are elders and pastors as well on the list!! God, what are you going to do with them!! Hurry up and give me permission!!”
As the devil unfolded the list right in front of God, he was accusing the brethren. The devil was continuously begging God to give him permission to create some kind of incident to kill those people and take them to hell. These christians were not praying in the power of prayer to restore their spiritual condition. They only had bible knowledge in their heads. The devil writes down all those names. It is a very miserable thing.
When your defective personality or character is revealed, you need to fix it. Why would you try to avoid and try to escape certain situations with many excuses and reasons. They are sneaky and would hide their faults. This must not be so. The devil already knows all. But because God has not given permission to the devil, we are still alive even when we have sinned. But if one continuously sins, we do not know when God will finally give permission to the devil. By God’s grace, HE sends many warnings. But even after many warnings, if a person still refuses to listen, God will sometimes strike the health of such a person.
He would say, “I will strike your health and I am determine to take your life. This way, when you are fatally sick, I will help you repent so that you will at least come to heaven.”
In His mercy and grace, God saves such a person barely escaping through a wall of flames. I have seen so many people who were saved through this method of God. (1 Corinthians 3:15 But if the work is burned up, the builder will suffer great loss. The builder will be saved, but like someone barely escaping through a wall of flames.) There are pastors who were brought to heaven in such a way. But not that many ministers or pastors make it to heaven. In most case, the servant who had held a longer period of position or calling and/or someone who had been a believer for a long period of time rarely makes it to heaven. This is a truly fearful thing.
When I was visiting the lowest part of hell and with a childlike mind, I asked the Lord, “Lord, please restore them..”
I hugged one of the previous church member’s head, arm, internal organs and so on. So many people had ended up in this place.
The Lord warned me, “When you go back, do not ever reveal the names! Do not ever reveal the names on the list!”
The devil knows what situation and reality you are in. The reality of this is very miserable. Even if we pretend our spiritual condition to be cleansed and refreshed, the devil already knows so therefore he would tell us, “Hey! I know you are doing something else in the back when others do not see you! I know you have a quick temper, and you easily get angry! You always blame someone else! Are you sure you are changing?” The devil mocks and he knows all.
The devil accuses our sins at all times. The devil continuously and persistently comes at christians so that they do not let go of resentment and other things in their hearts. The devil would request to God to judge these christians.
The devil wants permission and would say, “God! How long will you protect such and such souls? They are but heartaches to you!!”
But God says, “Do not touch them!” And with only one word, the devil flees from the scene. The devil knows God will reject his persistent request, but still, he consistently tries to obtain permission from God. God would cast him out but still comes to obtain permission. Praying is war. The Lord creates events for spiritual restoration.
One particular day, when I tried to nap for about thirty minutes, several enormous angels had come down from heaven. These angels wore an outfit that looked like Safety Electrical Construction workers would wear.
I asked them, “What is your purpose to be here at our church?”
The angels replied, “We are here by the command of the Lord.”
So I asked again, “What are you going to do?”
The angels explained, “The Lord’s church needs to catch up on electrical power. There were a great number of churches on the earth, but such situation as this has never happened. We are here to reinforce the electrical power.”
These angels had brought a huge fuse box. On their backs, they had a power line. They were activating the “device”. When they had opened the fuse box, electricity sparked. They began to connect the golden colored power lines to the fuse box.
Then the Lord appeared and said, “There was no church that I commanded and sent angels to reinforce electrical power in such a way! Not even once!”
The Lord performed in this way because the Lord’s church performs spiritual warfare! I could not even imagine such a thing or event exist. Once your spiritual eyes are opened, you will witness so many spiritual things in the spiritual realm. There are much more things I have not written down. I have only written the most basic experiences but yet many people would not understand. The power lines had positive and negative. The electricity were flowing in and from the lines. When believers pray, their prayer also reach up to the throne of God through electrical power. When a person lacks in power, the Lord commands angels to place power line to such a person to fuel them. The displayed power looked so powerful that I told God what if I die during the reinforcement of the power.
God said, “You won’t die. In fact, the Lord’s Church is the temple that is built with my own body. You will endure and overcome without limit! Even though satan is determined to harm you, do not be frightened for your names are written in the book of life.”
So my brethren, you must overcome and survive in all situations. Nothing is guaranteed. Be humbled to the end and victorious in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Pastor Kim Yong Doo
Senior Pastor Holy Fire Ministry
The Lord's Church
South Korea