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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Revolution!! New Wine in Old Wine skin or New Wine Skin

Matthew 9:16-17(AMP) And no one puts a piece of cloth that has not been shrunk on an old garment, for such a patch tears away from the garment and a worse rent (tear) is made.17 Neither is new wine put in old wine skins; for if it is, the skins burst and are [a]torn in pieces, and the wine is spilled and the skins are ruined. But new wine is put into fresh wine skins, and so both are preserved.

Luke 5:36-39 (AMP) He told them a [a]proverb also: No one puts a patch from a new garment on an old garment; if he does, he will both tear the new one, and the patch from the new [one] will not match the old [garment].37And no one pours new wine into old wine skins; if he does, the fresh wine will burst the skins and it will be spilled and the skins will be ruined (destroyed).38But new wine must be put into fresh wine skins.39And no one after drinking old wine immediately desires new wine, for he says, The old is good or [b]better

Many Christians including myself have heard this term of new wine in old wine skin but do we really know what it means? Some actually think it has to do with the wine in terms of today's wine. The word "wine" in the bible is used generically and does not promote alcoholic drinking. But that is for another discussion. But how does the above parable relate to Christianity?

First question we must ask is why would the new wine burst the skin of the old wine skin? The skins of the wine skin were generally made of animal skin. If fermentation took place, the skin of the old wine skin would crack and possibly burst. What will a new wine skin do for the new wine? The new wine skin will provide FLEXIBILITY if the new wine demands fermentation. Therefore, the old wine skin generally dries up and loses it flexibility.

What can be considered the "New Wine?" Was the Lord discussing the different fermentation processes of making juice or alcohol? No, He was speaking a parable to us. The New Wine is Him. It is new Revelation of HIM. Throughout history, God gave His people new knowledge or revelation of Himself incrementally or progressively. He did not download it all to us at the beginning with either Adam, Abraham, or Moses. It was given to us in measure. Honey is sweet and good but if we drink a whole bottle, we would get sick. Honey is good to be taken in small measures at a time. So has the New Wine always been new? It may be new to some but not so new to others depending on their level of growth and faith in the Lord.

Let us look at when Jesus walked the earth. He was the New Wine. He was bringing forth new revelation. The people said such things as, "He speaks as one with authority!" Yes, He was speaking with authority even casting demons out. Jesus was also giving sight to the blind and to many this was a new thing. 
Mark 1:22 (AMP)And they were completely astonished at His teaching, for He was teaching as One Who possessed authority, and not as the scribes.

Mark 1:27 And they were all so amazed and [a]almost terrified that they kept questioning and demanding one of another, saying, What is this? What new (fresh) teaching! With authority He gives orders even to the unclean spirits and they obey Him!

John 9:32 (AMP) Since the beginning of time it has never been heard that anyone opened the eyes of a man born blind.

Jesus said such new and strange words as (John chapter 6), "He who feeds on My flesh and drinks My blood dwells continually in Me, and I [in like manner dwell continually] in him." Scripture says this was a hard thing for many of the disciples to accept and many disciples withdrew from Him and returned to their old life and ways.

Therefore, we must ask ourselves a question. Are we going to be an old wine skin/bottle or a new wine skin/bottle when New Fresh Wine is poured down? What will you be? Perhaps New Wine has been pouring down but you have already rejected it. Perhaps, you are still waiting for it.

When Jesus did such things and said such things and even though the Pharisees WITNESSED supernatural manifestations and experienced His authority, the question was, how did they react? Because they were Old Wine Skin who were so dogmatic in their ways, power, teaching, and tradition, they had conspired to kill Truth. The Pharisees had expressed one of the most blatant characteristics of human nature. THEY DID NOT WANT TO LEAVE THEIR COMFORT ZONE. They were not willing to Change. They were content with the establishment. They had already built their kingdoms with human efforts and human flesh within their ministries. It was their pride and fear that would not let them humble themselves to do it in another way that would work.

Even though it may not had been working, they were as today's pharisees who are just as stubborn to change even though it may not be working. Even today, as churches continue to shut their doors with no evidence of God's power, they do not call upon Him in desperation. But they rather continue to receive God's Word with their old wine skins. The pharisees were unwilling to go the other way. This other way was God's way. The old wine skin of Judaism could not contain the dynamic new faith of Christianity expressed through Jesus Christ. Today, many churches and Christians are not able to contain the dynamic move of the Holy Spirit. 

What does the New Wine Skin represent. The new wine skin as previously mentioned represent the ability to be flexible. It represent the Christian whether you are a church, group, organization or an individual to be teachable, correctable, able to be continuously humbled, quick to repent, quick to obey, and willing to CHANGE especially if it is not working!! 

Many Christians desire a revival or major breakthrough but they do not understand a prerequisite is required. The prerequisite is a revolution in their heart. You cannot get a revival of a person if they are still attempting to put new wine into old wine skin. You must be PREPARED to clear the table of all you learned and let the Holy Spirit teach you all over again if needed. This is what had happened to me. The Lord told me to clear the table so to speak and He would directly teach me His ways. Does God still use other servants to teach me? Absolutely? He leads me to those who already have received much of His revelation.

Galatians 1:12 (AMP) For indeed I did not receive it from man, nor was I taught it, but [it came to me] through a [direct] revelation [given] by Jesus Christ (the Messiah).

The Christian walk is one that should be setting us FREE as we grow in Grace moving from Glory to Glory.The Christian walk is NOT a walk that is theory. It is not a walk in which we are to be kept in bondage, addictions, illnesses, and slavery to the world. The true church of Jesus Christ whether a group or individual will OVERCOME the gates of HELL! We should be experiencing more of God and becoming more spiritual people who are bearing fruit that is IMPACTING our families, neighbors, communities, and then the world!

Acts 1:8 (AMP) But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends (the very bounds) of the earth.

God has poured down revivals throughout history to get us to CHANGE! But in many cases, all we had done was added those experiences to our old wine skin and then added a sub label to our Christian titles. But you see, God does not desire sub labels to describe what we have experienced or which denomination we are to be. The church is NOT suppose to be built upon denominations. The church is suppose to be built upon the foundation of apostles and prophets with Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone. He wants us to have a REVOLUTION in our hearts when New Wine is poured down. He wants you to have a Revolution of how you see things. Furthermore, you cannot have the Lord and the old world!! Be willing to let the world go! The world is also old wine skin.

We are in the last days brethren. God is pouring down His Spirit even though many are still waiting for such a move. Much of His SPIRIT AND FIRE are spreading throughout the world under the nose of the religious institutions through lay believers. Is your church or you as an individual willing to receive new wine when the HOLY SPIRIT wants to move or manifest?

Do I know the full scale of this new wine? No, I do not. But I have experienced a taste. And as the Lord has poured down His Spirit and baptized us with His Fire, He anoints us with fresh revelation and gifts.

There is a gift called the Holy Spirit dance. It is a gift in which the Fire of God moves a Christian. It is a gift in which the Holy Spirit LITERALLY moves the hands, arms, legs, and body of a brethren so they can dance in the spirit. You ask where is it in the bible? It is in John 21:25. Whether this dance gift is new or have been granted before, I do not know. But I know it is from God!

John 21:25(AMP) And there are also many other things which Jesus did. If they should be all recorded one by one [in detail], I suppose that even the world itself could not contain (have room for) the books that would be written.

Jeremiah 33:3 (AMP) Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand).

Many more new gifts are awaiting for us. Many more revelation, wisdom, and spiritual events are coming. We are in the last days in which the climax of the war between good and evil will conclude. Both sides will bring out their big arsenals and yes, it will go nuclear spiritually. The greater days and greater works are upon us.

Will you be open to receive the new things of God by stepping out of your comfort zone or will you shrink back out in fear and possibly accuse God falsely when He moves? Be wise and ask for discernment in the coming dark days. BE CAREFUL OF WHAT YOU SAY IS NOT OF GOD!! How do you know it is not God if you see something different? Do not just believe in manipulated YouTube videos or third party information! Do you even know the fruit of the author before you make a fleshy carnal judgment?

Scripture says the Kingdom of God is like a field in which God is the sower and He plants His seeds. But at night the devil comes to sow his seed among the feed. You can have a movement of the Holy Spirit in a room and then at the same time a demonic manifestation of someone barking like a dog but it does not mean the Holy Spirit may not be in the meeting. However, it is sad that some preachers cannot discern the difference and instead of casting those demons out of their presence, they are indifferent to such experience. But it is just as dangerous to say the other movements which may be God is not of God.

When we are in fire revival meetings, people will manifest as fire is imparted. When someone sees those manifestations on video, are they to conclude the whole meeting is the devil's and not of God? Be careful of what you say from your own carnal wisdom.

The battle is and will become fierce. Step out of your comfort zone willing to take a risk with the Lord and get into the front of the battle lines for He makes all things NEW! It is safer in the front for that is where the Lord is leading. God does not change and because He does not change, He is in the business of doing new things.

Isaiah 43:19 Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

Ezekiel 18:31 Cast away from you all your transgressions by which you have transgressed against Me, and make you a new mind and heart and a new spirit. For why will you die, O house of Israel?

Matthew 26:28 For this is My blood of the new covenant, which [ ratifies the agreement and] is being poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.

Hebrews 10:20 By this fresh (new) and living way which He initiated and dedicated and opened for us through the separating curtain (veil of the Holy of Holies), that is, through His flesh,

Hebrews 4:7 Again He sets a definite day, [a new] Today, [and gives another opportunity of securing that rest] saying through David after so long a time in the words already quoted, Today, if you would hear His voice and when you hear it, do not harden your hearts. (Sabbath is now Sundays, please read my note, "The Eighth Day")

Revelation 21:5 And He Who is seated on the throne said, See! I make all things new. Also He said, Record this, for these sayings are faithful (accurate, incorruptible, and trustworthy) and true (genuine).

Revelation 21:1 THEN I saw a new sky (heaven) and a new earth, for the former sky and the former earth had passed away (vanished), and there no longer existed any sea.

God bless
Fire of God!
Steve Yong Kim
November 9, 2011

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