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Monday, May 23, 2011

We must learn from our mistakes when we stumble

To those who hear God either directly(visions, dreams, prophecy) or indirectly (impressions, sermons, studying, other people), know there are times when God will allow you to stumble. Many times when people receive things, they get very excited and run with it. The May 21, 2011 group were deceived by certain leaders and frankly by their own hearts . But many individuals even within the Christian ranks may be deceived either by themselves or by the enemy.

However, out of His Mercy, during your training or walk, God will allow you to stumble and even allow you to make a mistake publically. It is to HUMBLE YOU! It is to make you more cautious. It is to make you aware that if you had made a mistake, it was really out of your own desires and not out of God's Will. It is God's Will that we persevere, endure, and overcome all things as we advance HIS Kingdom. It is not only to go possess more land but to hold it until His Return. But generally our desire is to run away from tribulation or difficulties and go home to comfort. We are all guilty of this but we must grow up and join in the commission to do His Will.

You must make a choice to hold your ground and fight (works of obedience) until the Lord's Return. Yes, we may want Him to return and take us home today but the more important task at hand is the Lord's Will to do His Work on earth before His return to save as many souls as possible and to Glorify Him.

This is why we must always go back to God and seek His Heart. Many of us want the rapture to have happened yesterday because of our current personal circumstance or situation. When certain people come with information that sounds pleasing, we tend to jump on the band wagon. Instead of seeking God's Will in the matter we tend to believe because it is what we want to believe. This can lead to deception. Our own heart can lead us to deception.

Jeremiah 17:9 (Amplified Bible) "The heart is deceitful above all things, and it is exceedingly perverse and corrupt and severely, mortally sick! Who can know it [perceive, understand, be acquainted with his own heart and mind]?"

James 1:13-16 (Amplified Bible) "Let no one say when he is tempted, I am tempted from God; for God is incapable of being tempted by [what is] evil and He Himself tempts no one.14But every person is tempted when he is drawn away, enticed and baited by his own evil desire (lust, passions).15Then the evil desire, when it has conceived, gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is fully matured, brings forth death. 16Do not be misled, my beloved brethren."

This discussion is not about the May 21, 2011 group but for many within the Christian ranks. At least for the May 21 group, they have learned their mistake and can move on. I hope and pray that they do not get angry with God and fall away. I hope they use this opportunity to humble themselves to know that they must rely, cling, and seek HIM more. We must get to know the Person. HE is GOD!

Many christians themselves are deceived within their hearts and continue to be deceived. This is more dangerous and frightening because they may not have an indicator like the May 21 group to show they were or are deceived. Some may be fortunate to know right away and be corrected. Some deception may only last a season but we must continue to humble ourselves asking the Lord to take us lower and lower.

 Last year, the Lord spoke to us through a servant that HE had to still take my wife and I lower and lower. I thought to myself, "What! I thought I was laready beaten up enough and humbled. Lower? (I really did not want more pain of the flesh being crucified)."  But now, I see His Plan. I see His Goodness and I ask Him to take me Lower and Lower. As I get lower, I feel more in the spirit. There is still much more flesh that needs to be crucified but I have grown so much from even  4 years ago. Praise Him!

We must be very careful. For it is our heart or our pride that may deceive us. We can become so dogmatic over a subject, doctrine, or interpretation and become deceived. How? The position of being dogmatic is a position of being prideful. If we are to be dogmatic of anything, let us be dogmatic over the Person of Jesus Christ. Let us be dogmatic of obeying the Lord at all cost. Do not be dogmatic over something in which you think you have discovered through your own interpretation of scripture or understanding.

Proverbs 3:5 (Amplified Bible) "Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding."

The Lord has taught me that our whole life will be a test. It will be a test of humility. Will we be willing to be corrected even as matured Christians or will we walk in arrogance with a puffed up head? Will you be willing to listen to a new believer with a Word or will you tell them to sit down because they just got here? Pride is something you must always be on guard. It will ambush you when you are in victory or close to victory.

Obadiah 1:3 (Amplified Bible) "The pride of your heart has deceived you, you dweller in the refuges of the rock [Petra, Edom's capital], whose habitation is high, who says in his heart, Who can bring me down to the ground?"

Jeremiah 49:16 (Amplified Bible) "Your [object of] horror (your idol) has deceived you, and the pride of your heart [has deceived you], O you who dwell in the clefts of the rock [Sela or [a]Petra], who hold and occupy the height of the hill. Though you make your nest as high as the eagle's, I will bring you down from there, says the Lord."

Proverbs 16:18 (Amplified Bible) "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall."

Pride comes in many forms. For example, one can become prideful with their bibles holding on to a certain version. If you observe some fundamental Christians, there are some who will die over their 1611 KJV versions. They will absolutely not look at other versions. But the question is, are they so holding on to 1611 KJV because God told them it is "The" version or because they were told by men? Another example, if you think you are in the Truth because you are smarter than the May 21, 2011 group, the JWs, the Mormons, the Muslims, or others, you will be operating from a position of pride. What has led you to Truth? Was it your intelligence or the Grace of God? We must always be dependent on the Lord to reveal His Truth to us.

When our desires become overwhelming whether that be in the subject of rapture, personal issues, or personal wants, we can become deceived by our own hearts. Our personal Will will start to drown out the Voice of God. When you have found out that you were deceived in something, how will you respond is what is really important? Will you blame God or will you repent and humble yourself and be more cautious? Yes, I know scripture says that God will give us the desires of our heart. But that is conditional to your obedience to His Will and the desires of your heart must line up with His Will and timing. All the promises of God are conditional to our CONTINUED obedience.

If you make a mistake or if you have been deceived or if your message is corrupted, you must repent, learn, and become more cautious. We will begin to be more cautious when we know that speaking on His behalf has severe consequences. We will begin to be more cautious in attempting to teach people about scripture if we know there are consequences of teaching incorrectly. Teach when He leads you and when He gives you the Authority to teach and not from your desires to save the world which will only really be your pride. People will make mistakes. Many people including high profile preachers or servants of God have made mistakes. But sadly, many continue to put salt on the wounds of those who have made mistakes. Let us pray for one another for it is God's desire that those who have made mistakes to repent and turn back to Him in humility. Shame must be overcomed as well. If you run from shame, that is pride. Pray that you are transparent to Him and men. Ask Him to help you walk in humilty. Pray for His Truth and ask Him to put you in agreement with Him.

Pray againt deception and delusion. Pray against pride, coveting, and self righteousness. Bind and cast those spirits out. Incorporate it into your prayers. Four years ago the Holy Spirit spoke to my wife and I and said, "Do not get corrupted, Do not get deceived, and Do not fall away!" I was very surprised that when He spoke that to us. I wondered if God was warning me in something I did not know that was coming? But God has revealed to us that many of His servants have become corrupted, deceived, and have fallen away. This is something we all must be on guard about. Now, we incorporate what He has warned us into our prayers. We ask the Holy Spirit to help us so that we do not get corrupted, deceived, or fall away. The Lord continues to remind us occassionally during our prayers for us not to get corrupted as we are on the verge of Breakthrough.

We ask of you brethren to pray for us as we perform the work He has preordained and commissioned. Please pray that we will obey and fulfil His Will up to the end finishing the race that has been set forth. Be blessed brothers/sisters.

Glory to God
Fire of God

Steve Yong Kim

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