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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

We must pray!

Summer Fire Revival 2015, Pastor Kim Yong Doo
We must pray! We must pray! Many times, God firmly says, “Only when you pray, your future will be unfolded and loosened!”
God told King Solomon, “If you do not do the things that your rebellious ancestors had done but do as my servant King David, I will grant you abundant wealth and prosperity! But if not, you will be finished!”
What God grants to us is in most cases conditional. We must pray, be humbled and obey. These are the conditions God has given to us. The conditions are that we need to believe, trust, rely on, follow, obey, and pray. God already has many plans He desires to commence but He is not able to find a praying people. God will be silent as He waits. Without one realizing that God is moving on, God will search for other people. “ The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.” God grants grace and mercy to people who seeks Him with all their hearts and mind. God knows and is fully aware when we pray, read the bible, and worship/praise.
There is a first level of priority that we must execute. This first level is to have the spiritual connection with God at all times. If God says, “Pray, forgive and obey!” We must do whatever the Lord commands. The first level priority is to carry out whatever God asks of us. Through these obedient types of Christians, God will grant many chances and opportunities. Such obedient types of Christians will have their future unfolded and untied. It will not just be their future, but even their current situations. The Lord tunes His timing with His praying servants. He always waits until there are praying servants to be found. Whenever God finds praying servants, He begins to manage them. God manages praying people a little more strictness than regular Christians. God handles them with a higher level of discipline, tribulation, suffering, pain, trials and tests.
According to God’s plan, we will be granted with opportunities and chances to make choices. This is a very important message. It is our job to rightly choose. If we choose wrong, even what we have been called will end. But if we choose right, even though the right choice may bring trials and tests, we will be solving and unfolding current and future things with the Lord. Therefore, please choose right. When we choose right, the spiritual power will effectively help us to pray and the secrets of the Kingdom of God will be unfolded. These things will be manifested in a glorious way.
We wish to know our future. In most case, when a person’s error, weakness, shortcoming, and faults are revealed, he/she leaves the church without hesitation. These type of people will search for a church where no one knows any background on them. They will tell the new church people how good they are. Such as, "I was an evangelist, a deaconess and so on. I have experienced particular spiritual experiences.” These people would hide all their mistakes and they may even do some kind spiritual task or position at the new church. You must endure and overcome even if your mistakes, faults, weaknesses and shortcomings are revealed without leaving the church. Only then, God will work out for good.
Do you want to work with the Lord? You must properly, uprightly, and most definitely pray. When we sincerely, innocently and purely pray, the work of God will begin to manifest from ourselves to our families. The church will be expanded as it spreads throughout the nation. The church will continue to expand to other countries and to all the world. We are all going in this direction. And afterwards, God will interfere with the business of our national finance and politics.
Our upright proper prayer and choice can affect national finance and politics. The Lord’s church may look small and insignificant, but this church is influencing the other nations significantly. The Fire Ministry is very powerful. We need to carry it out more precisely. We have built and are operating orphanages in other countries. We need to raise up good staff personnel to take good care of the the orphanages. We are sending thousands of dollars to them but we need good proper staff personnel. We need to build mission centers in Africa and in Europe so that fire ministers can be raised and trained. Currently, there are many Holy Fire Ministries all over the world but as they are established, many problems are occurring within those churches. We also need to hold Holy Fire Leadership Conferences to discuss ideas and opinions. Therefore, the headquarter of the Lord’s Church in Korea must stand firmly.
The devil tries to take out the fire ministers or the person who has received the Holy Fire of God. The devil tries to discourage and make them give up. The demons create circumstances for those Christians to be persecuted, treated with condemnation, and make them live around their wounds and hurts. If such a person does not let go of tactics of the enemy and overcomes, his/her future will not be opened. Their future cannot be guaranteed. This type of person will continuously stay within their hurt and pain. We cannot continue to trap ourselves. We need to jump out of it. Satan utilizes our hurt and pain. Satan continues to remind us over and over flooding our minds and thoughts to totally destroy us. This is Satan’s very high level strategy. From the outside, it may look very natural. People argue and fight then one leaves the church with such hurt. But behind the scene, Satan is in control. We really need to wake up and be alert.
We need faith and prayer. We need powerful spiritual infiltrating soldiers. These soldiers must be the Lord’s church members and I. The agents of Satan are all throughout the world, but we Christians are living idly. Such Christians would think like this, ‘Oh, someone else will do this or that for me. Someone else will take care of my problems.’
No! No one will take care of your problems. You and I need to rightly choose to unfold and solve the future with the Lord. We are in the last days! We compete with quantity and quality! With such a faith, please overcome and obtain victory. Amen.
Pastor Kim, Yong Doo


  1. Thank you Jesus for this great post! I praise the Lord for His goodness through this ministry! This is exactly what i am struggling about. Now, i am more armed and prepared to fight against spiritual darkness and beings.

  2. How do you focus on prayer? Because there are times when I kind of doze off even though I am kneeling down. I try to pray with my hands high up like the Lord's Church does but I have lots of physical activities in my school and I often get muscle aches because I'm very weak. It hurts but I know I can take it but my hands always goes down especailly when I'm distracted! And when I realise something about my life during prayer I inadvertently open my eyes in awe -.- and when I pray not as powerfully as I like I can't help but think that demons are eating up my prayers and they're not reaching Heaven.

    I tend to pray in the toilet or the storeroom and occasionally one of my house's bedrooms to avoid criticism among my family since I'm the only christian. But I can't help but notice the awful smell in the toilet and I always get distracted. Neither can I stop myself from dozing sometimes when I pray in a bedroom. The bed is so soft! It's just right beside! T.T I know I shouldn't cave in but I did before -.-

    Worst is, I can't stop thinking that the Lord is upset with the quality of my prayers! The more I pray the more I am convinced of this because I do not pray as powerfully as I do during my first love moments. I'm not improving either. What do I do whenever I feel He's not convinced? Pray badly longer?! T.T arghhhhhhhh

    1. Ask for strength from the Lord to keep you from yawning, falling asleep, & raising your arms. He has helped me with that. You can do all things through Christ, remember! It is He who strengthens you. Do not let the evil spirits win.

  3. AT first, like anything, we must get used to something and build stamina and strength. Just sit comfortable and raise your hands as you can but not over straining yourself. Right now, for you and many Christians who are beginning, quantity is more important. Later, quality will be just as important.

    When you get sleepy, you have to fight it. Set a determined time and finish it. Do not try to pray five hours like the Lord's Church if you do not have the ability. I recommend to new people pray 30 minutes to one hour depending on their schedules and what is more important is consistency. Grow from there. Like anything, we must start from bottom and just grow.
