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Friday, April 10, 2015

We all need to be fully surrendered

“The reason why many are still troubled, still seeking, still making little forward progress is because they haven't yet come to the end of themselves. We're still trying to give orders, and interfering with God's work within us. ” A.W. Tozer

Most Christians, without realizing it, they interfere with God’s work. Most of Christians claim, that they have decided to fully trust, follow and love God. But in reality, they are only deceiving themselves. I still witness many christians in a self deluded condition. In my wilderness years, God has cornered me to teach me how to fully trust and follow Him. But in order to learn, my choice needed to be made first. 

God cornered and asked me, “Will you choose Me over every things or people in your life? Even if, you might have to risk losing every things in your life, including your husband and even your children?”  I was captivated by God. 

In my spirit, I knew That I had to fully choose Him. Now, because my determination was so firm and unshakable, God was able to rapidly work in many things in my life. Problems of my husband, life, business, children could not shake me a bit. In fact, I didn’t even have a bit of time to be concerned about things or problems of my husband and my children. I was so into God. My whole being was fascinated by God. He was my life. He was my strength. I chased after God with all my life. 

Now, many rewards are given to me by my beloved Lord. Above all, having a spiritual romantic relationship with Jesus is greatest reward. Let us always exam our hearts. Let your hearts be surrendered. God is more than willing to grant many great rewards to you IF you seek Him with all your strength and life. 

“Refuse to be average. Let your heart soar as high as it will.” A.W. Tozer

Pastor Yoojin Kim
Fire of God Church

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