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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Rib - Wife

Gen 2:18-23 Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.” 19 So the Lord God formed from the ground all the wild animals and all the birds of the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would call them, and the man chose a name for each one. 20 He gave names to all the livestock, all the birds of the sky, and all the wild animals. But still there was no helper just right for him.

21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep. While the man slept, the Lord God took out one of the man’s ribs and closed up the opening. 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib, and he brought her to the man.

23 “At last!” the man exclaimed.

“This one is bone from my bone,
    and flesh from my flesh!
She will be called ‘woman,’
    because she was taken from ‘man.’”

All living creatures including man had been formed from the ground. Yet, the woman was not. The helper to the man was formed from Adam's rib. The woman is man's bone and flesh. She was formed from the part that is inside the man. Since the fall, it is ironic that although the woman was formed from the rib of a man, both man and woman appear to have much difficulty in communicating to one another when both the husband and wife should be of one. 

Why the rib? What is the purpose of the rib? The rib cage house and protects mainly the lungs and the heart. What does the lungs and heart represent? The lungs and heart support the breathing and life of a person. 

If a wife or woman tends to nag too much complaining to her husband, this can be suffocating to the man/husband. The woman/wife must be the support to the breath and life of her husband and family. She must pray diligently to be the proverbs 31 wife. A wife of noble character. 

Proverbs 31:1-12 Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life.12 She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. 

The role of the wife is so important. She can as the rib be the one who ends up hurting the husband much as she is so close to his heart. Yes, the husbands have hurt their wives much as well but we will address the role of husbands at another article.

The church consists of more women than men. Why is this? God wants the women broken first. God wants to raise many men/husbands but HE requires the wives to broken first. God requires the women to be the prayer warriors in the misdt of their suffering. Many wives continue to tell their husbands to believe in Jesus or to properly believe in God. Many wives want their husbands to change and to step into the proper role of leader, husband, and father. But the wives must know, God wants you to be broken first. As you are broken and changed, then God will change the hearts of your husbands. All the nagging or complaining using God's name telling them to believe is but your own strength and flesh. It will produce no fruit. You must reflect the nature of the Lord and through HIS kindness in you will lead others to repentance. 

Even in ministry, God requires the wife of the pastors to be broken first. When the wives of pastors are broken properly, then the church will grow and God's love will flow from such brokenesses. 

Wives must stop looking at the problems of their husbands. God may be using your husband as Nebuchadnezzar to teach the wives obedience and to break them. How do we change Nebuchadnezzar? 

God's people were told to pray for the welfare of Babylon during their exile. But if they complained and gave Nebuchadnezzar a hard time, then their own circumstances would be difficult based on their own choices.

Jeremiah 29:7 (NLT) And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare.”

In order to change the hearts of any person, we must overcome and conquer them with love and submission. This is the principal of the cross. Nagging people what to do will not change them. We must die to ourselves submitting and dying to ourselves to love them more. 

Eph 5:22-30 For wives, this means submit to your husbands as to the Lord. 23 For a husband is the head of his wife as Christ is the head of the church. He is the Savior of his body, the church. 24 As the church submits to Christ, so you wives should submit to your husbands in everything. 

Wives, scipture says to submit to your husbands as to the LORD. But you must discern your circumstances. If your husbands are not believers or religious, you must still honor, respect and treat them well as you are serving the Lord. However, if they tell you to stop going to church, to stop believing, or to sin, then you do not have to submit to such commands. But perhaps, a gentle kind word would change his mind, would it not?

Joseph was under Potiphar. Even though Potiphar was an idol worshipper, Joseph submitted to everything and yet in the midst of idol worship, he kept himself holy by staying in prayer and learning to wait for God. Joseph treated Potiphar with much respect, honor, and submission. Joseph did not try to change Potiphar. Egypt would later change as Joseph waited for God.

Wives, do not look at the problem of your husbands. You may be in the midst of tribulation but God is allowing such circumstances to make you into a proverbs 31 wife. A wife of prayer. A wife of submission. A wife who will continue to love her husband with an everlasting love. A wife who will persevere in prayer until her prayers are answered. A wife who will not quit but pray learning patience and obedience unto the Lord. It may take years for your prayers to be answered but will you endure? Jesus endured the cross unto death. Will you endure for the Will of the Father and for your family's sake? Keep your eyes only on Jesus and not the problems. The problems are only the storms of life but if you look at the storm, you will sink. Keep your eyes on Jesus and do not doubt but believe and persevere to the end. 

Husbands and wives are one in spirit. The wife was made from the rib of a man. If you forsake each other because of your carnal nature, then you are forsaking your own self because you are one. 

Glory to the KING
Pastor Steve Yong Kim

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