"You must walk higher with ME. You must walk with ME to receive MY revelations. If you walk with ME you will know MY ways. Walk in faith. You must believe in all things. You will know My secrets if you walk with ME. You must walk with ME to have restoration. If you want to be healed, you must walk with ME. You must walk with with ME. If you walk with ME, you must see what I desire. You must desire what I desire. If you love ME you will keep MY commandments. You will keep all of My commandments. If you walk with ME you will keep MY commandments. Love your neighbors. Love...Serve one another. Love one another. Walk with ME. You must watch what you say. Every word, if you walk with ME, control your tongue. If you walk with ME, you must watch what you say. Watch what you say. You must be cautious of what you see. Walk with ME. My children walk with ME. Watch out what you say and hear. You must love one another. Walk with ME. Walk as I walk. Walk as I walk. Be filled with My Spirit. Walk with MY Spirit. Walk with MY Spirit. Walk My way. Walk with ME My children. Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Be filled with ME. You must see what I see, as I see. You must perceive what I see. Walk with ME. Walk with ME. Walk as I walk. Be filled with the Fire. Be filled with ME. Be filled with ME. Walk with My Power. Walk with MY passion. Walk with ME MY children. Walk with ME MY children. I want you to walk with ME MY children. Be filled with MY Heart. My love walk with ME. Walk with ME. Walk as I walk My children. Walk with MY power. Walk with ME. My beloved walk with ME. I love you MY children. I want you to walk as I walk. Walk the walk. Tremble before MY Word. Be filled with the reverent Fear of the Lord for I AM the LORD! Your Lord, Your God, Your Savior, I am the King of Kings. Tremble before ME. I love you MY children. Be filled with ME. Walk with me and walk like ME. My children if you walk with ME you will find MY rest. You will find MY peace."
Glory to HIM
From HIM
Message received August 10, 2013 1 AM during prayer
Fire of God Church - An International Holy Fire Ministry for the feeding and tending of God's flock to equip for the perfection of the saints that they should do the work of ministering toward building up Christ's Body (Church) and to promote obedience to the faith and make disciples for His name’s sake among all the nations until the return of the Lord - Branch of the Lord's Church USA
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Amen! Same teaching with my Pastor! God bless you!